Decentralized Recovery for Survivable Storage Systems
Theodore Ming-Tao Wong
May 2004
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
Thesis Committee:
Jeannette M. Wing, Chair (Dept. of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University)
Gregory R. Ganger (Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University)
Chenxi Wang (Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University)
Michael K. Reiter (Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University)
Copyright °c 2004 Theodore Ming-Tao Wong
This research is sponsored in part by the Army Research Office (contract DAAD19-01-1-0485), the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency (AF contracts F30602-99-2-0539-AFRL, F33615-93-1-1330, F30602-97-2-0031), and
the National Science Foundation (contracts CCR-0121547, CCR-0208853, CCR-9523972).
The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Governmental purposes notwithstanding
any copyright notation thereon. The views and conclusions contained herein are those of the author and should not be
interpreted as necessarily representing the official policies or endorsements, either expressed or implied, of the ARO,
DARPA, the NSF, or the U.S. Government.
Keywords: Survivable storage systems, verifiable secret redistribution, threshold sharing
To my mother and father, who taught me the importance of scholarship.

Modern society has produced a wealth of data to preserve for the long term. Some
data we keep for cultural benefit, in order to make it available to future generations,
while other data we keep because of legal imperatives. One way to preserve such
data is to store it using survivable storage systems. Survivable storage is distinct from
reliable storage in that it tolerates confidentiality failures in which unauthorized users
compromise component storage servers, as well as crash failures of servers. Thus, a
survivable storage system can guarantee both the availability and the confidentiality of
stored data.
Research into survivable storage systems investigates the use of m-of-n threshold
sharing schemes to distribute data to servers, in which each server receives a share of
the data. Any m shares can be used to reconstruct the data, but any m−1 shares reveal
no information about the data. The central thesis of this dissertation is that to truly
preserve data for the long term, a system that uses threshold schemes must incorporate
recovery protocols able to overcome server failures, adapt to changing availability or
confidentiality requirements, and operate in a decentralized manner.
To support the thesis, I present the design and experimental performance analysis
of a verifiable secret redistribution protocol for threshold sharing schemes. The protocol
redistributes shares of data from old to new, possibly disjoint, sets of servers,
such that new shares generated by redistribution cannot be combined with old shares to
reconstruct the original data. The protocol is decentralized, and does not require intermediate
reconstruction of the data; thus, one does not create a central point of failure
or risk the exposure of the data during protocol execution. The protocol incorporates a
verification capability that enables new servers to confirm that their shares can be used
to reconstruct the original data.
I think no student could find a better advisor than in mine, JeannetteWing. She has always been
there to provide feedback, support, and guidance throughout the course of my dissertation research,
and I thank her for all of her efforts. I also thank the members of my committee—Greg Ganger,
Mike Reiter, and Chenxi Wang—for their feedback and support.
I would also like to acknowledge the guidance that I have received from my colleagues in the research
community. In particular, I would like to thank Garth Gibson (my previous advisor), Richard
Golding, and John Wilkes for their research and personal advice.
I am grateful to both Ken Birman (myM.Eng. advisor) and Fred Schneider at Cornell University
for providing lab facilities and research feedback while I was in Ithaca for a month in 2002. I also
thank the members of the PDL Consortium (including EMC, Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi, IBM, Intel,
LSI, Microsoft, Network Appliance, Oracle, Panasas, Seagate, Sun, and Veritas) for their feedback
and support.
I would like to thank Paul Mazaitis and Joan Digney for taking the time to proofread my dissertation
for any bugs in the writing, as well as for all of their help during PDL Retreats and Open
I have been fortunate to have been a part of the CMU SCS community. Not only is it a top-notch
research environment, but it has also been a friendly and welcoming place to me. I have made many
friends while at CMU, and I thank them all for their support, and for being a part of my life and
letting me be a part of theirs.
Last, but not least, I would to thank my wife, Addie, for her love and encouragement. She never
stopped believing that I could (and would) finish my dissertation, even when I had my doubts.
And, for anyone who has been on zephyr in the last two years, “<slip>”.
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Thesis statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 System model 5
2.1 Abstract storage system model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 The mobile adversary and its effect on servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.3 The dynamic membership model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3 Verifiable Secret Redistribution 13
3.1 Cryptographic building blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1.1 Shamir’s threshold sharing scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1.2 Desmedt and Jajodia’s secret redistribution protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.1.3 Feldman’s VSS scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 The VSR protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2.1 Assumptions about faulty shareholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
3.2.2 Detection of faulty old shareholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
3.2.3 Computation cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
3.2.4 Protocol correctness on termination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
3.2.5 Protocol security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
3.3 The mobile adversary and the VSR protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
4 Hathor: An Experimental Storage System 35
4.1 Data distribution schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.2 Client and server implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
4.3 I/O operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
4.3.1 STORE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.3.2 REDISTRIBUTE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.3.3 RETRIEVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
4.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
5 Performance Evaluation 49
5.1 Shamir’s threshold sharing scheme performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.2 Verifiable secret redistribution performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.2.1 VSR with an exponentiation witness function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
5.2.2 VSR with an elliptic curve witness function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
5.3 Hathor storage system performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.4 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
6 RelatedWork 65
6.1 Redistribution for threshold sharing schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
6.2 Survivable storage systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
6.3 Design studies for survivable storage systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
7 Conclusions and future work 71
7.1 Research contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
7.2 Future work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
List of Figures
1.1 A storage system without a recovery mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1 Abstract model of a storage system with n servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.2 A storage system in the presence of an mobile adversary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3 A storage system with a recovery protocol in the presence of a mobile adversary . . 9
3.1 Desmedt and Jajodia’s secret redistribution protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 Feldman’s verifiable secret sharing scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.3 Verifiable secret redistribution protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.4 A storage system with the VSR protocol in the presence of a mobile adversary . . . 32
4.1 Data distribution schemes implemented in Hathor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.2 Functional modules of the client and server implementations in Hathor . . . . . . . 38
4.3 STORE operation state machine for clients and servers in Hathor . . . . . . . . . . 40
4.4 REDISTRIBUTE operation state machine for old servers in Hathor . . . . . . . . . . 42
4.5 REDISTRIBUTE operation state machine for new servers in Hathor . . . . . . . . . 44
4.6 RETRIEVE operation state machine for clients and servers in Hathor . . . . . . . . 47
5.1 Performance of Shamir’s threshold sharing scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
5.2 Performance of the VSR protocol with an exponentiation witness function . . . . . 53
5.3 SUBSHARE performance of the VSR protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
5.4 Performance of the VSR protocol vs. block size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
5.5 Performance of the VSR protocol with an elliptic curve witness function . . . . . . 58
5.6 SHARES-VALID performance of the VSR protocol vs. finite field bit sizes . . . . . 60
5.7 Performance of Hathor vs. file size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
A.1 REDISTRIBUTE operation state machine for old servers in Hathor, in a system that
uses the REPLICA scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
A.2 REDISTRIBUTE operation state machine for old servers in Hathor, in a system that
uses the HYBRID scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
List of Tables
5.1 Time per exponentiation modulo q for exponents modulo p . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
5.2 Time per exponentiation modulo q for exponents modulo p, using Brickell exponentiation,
for an 8 KB block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
5.3 Time per point multiplication in the elliptic curve computed over the finite field Zq′ ,
using Brickell exponentiation, for an 8 KB block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
5.4 Time taken to store, redistribute, and retrieve a 0-byte file in Hathor . . . . . . . . 61
5.5 Average I/O overhead in Hathor of the HYBRID scheme over the REPLICA scheme . 62
6.1 A comparison of robust (m,n) threshold sharing schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
6.2 A comparison of survivable storage systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Chapter 1
Modern society has produced a wealth of data to preserve for the long term. Some data we keep for
cultural benefit, in order to make it available to future generations. For example, the Internet Archive
( aims to preserve indefinitely both the contents of all Internet
websites and of all digitized physical media. Other data we keep because of legal imperatives. For
example, several laws (e.g., the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999 and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of
2002) mandate retention and privacy standards for financial records.
One way to preserve long-term data is to store it using survivable storage systems. Survivable
storage systems are generally aggregations of unreliable components, such as heterogeneous
“bricks” able to provide both storage and metadata management functions [22, 34], or peer-to-peer
workstations [1, 46]. They are distinct from reliable storage systems [40] in that they tolerate confidentiality
failures (in which unauthorized users compromise components) as well as crash failures
of components. Thus, survivable storage systems are able to guarantee both availability (will one
be able to recover one’s data?) and confidentiality (can one be sure that an unauthorized person has
not obtained one’s data?).
A number of researchers propose using m-of-n threshold sharing schemes [49] in survivable
storage systems to tolerate component failures. A system that uses a threshold scheme distributes
n shares of the original data to components such that any m can be used to reconstruct the data.
Moreover, any m−1 shares reveal no information about the data. Thus, the system can tolerate
the loss n−m shares without losing data availability, and the compromise of m−1 shares (i.e.,
revelation to an unauthorized user) without losing data confidentiality. Some examples of such
systems include e-Vault [33] and PASIS [53].
"You−lose" line
2−of−3 threshold scheme
1 2 4
Figure 1.1: A storage system that uses a 2-of-3 threshold sharing scheme without recovery. Availability
is plotted informally on the y axis, and time is plotted on the x axis. Suppose that the system suffers a
server failure at time 1. Data remains available through time 2 because enough servers (i.e., 2) remain to
serve shares. However, suppose that the system suffers another failure at time 3. From that time forward, an
insufficient number of servers remain.
A survivable storage system requires mechanisms to recover from component failures, as a
threshold scheme by itself is insufficient for the long term. Consider the graph in Figure 1.1 of a
three-component system that uses a 2-of-3 scheme to store data. If one assumes that all components
will eventually fail, then the system will reach a point when only one non-failed component remains.
By then, the end-user’s data will be lost. To recover from failures in threshold sharing scheme-based
systems, researchers have proposed proactive secret sharing (PSS) schemes [19, 20, 21, 31, 32, 44,
56, 55]. PSS schemes enable systems to replace lost shares and render compromised shares useless.
Recovery mechanisms for survivable storage systems must be decentralized. A na¨ıve approach
to recovery would be for a system to use a recovery server to reconstruct all of the stored data and
redistribute new shares. An obvious shortcoming with this centralized approach is that it introduces
a single point of failure in the system. If the recovery server itself crashes, recovery becomes
impossible. Worse, unauthorized users who compromise the server immediately gain the ability to
obtain all stored data.
This dissertation research contributes the first recovery mechanism that enables a system to
adjust m and n, even if some of its components are controlled by unauthorized users. The limitation
with mechanisms that only replace lost shares (such as PSS schemes) is that the assumptions behind
the selection of m and n may prove to be invalid over time: components may be more crash-prone,
or unauthorized users may be more aggressive in their attacks. The ability to change m and n
enables a system to survive more crash-prone components, by increasing m, or to defend against
more aggressive unauthorized users, by increasing n.
1.1 Thesis statement
The thesis statement of this dissertation is:
We can create a survivable storage system that:
• Recovers from component failures,
• Adapts to changing requirements, and
• Accomplishes these goals in a decentralized manner.
To support the thesis, I present the design and experimental performance analysis of a verifiable
secret redistribution (VSR) protocol for Shamir’s threshold sharing scheme [49]. The VSR protocol
redistributes shares of data from old to new, possibly disjoint, sets of servers, such that new shares
generated by redistribution cannot be combined with old shares to reconstruct the original data. The
protocol is decentralized, and does not require intermediate reconstruction of the data; thus, one
does not create a central point of failure or risk the exposure of the data during protocol execution.
The protocol incorporates a verification capability that enables new servers to confirm that their
shares can be used to reconstruct the original data.
The rest of this dissertation is organized as follows. In Chapter 2, I present an abstract model of
a survivable storage system, and a model of a mobile adversary who subverts servers in the system
and causes them to fail. I also postulate the design requirements for a recovery protocol in the
context of a mobile adversary. In Chapter 3, I present the design of the VSR protocol, which can
be used by a storage system to counteract the adversary discussed in Chapter 2. I prove that the
shares held by servers after protocol execution can be used to reconstruct the original secret, and
demonstrate that it satisfies all of the design requirements for a recovery protocol. In Chapter 4,
I discuss the design and implementation of an experimental storage system called Hathor. The
primary purpose of Hathor is to provide a platform on which to evaluate the end-to-end cost of
storing, redistributing, and retrieving data using a variety of data distribution schemes (including
Shamir’s scheme). In Chapter 5, I present and analyze the results of experiments done to measure
the raw computational performance of the VSR protocol, as well as the results of experiments done
to measure the end-to-end cost of storing, redistributing, and retrieving data with Hathor. The
results demonstrate that although the VSR protocol is computationally expensive, the cost can be
offset through careful selection of the data distribution scheme. In Chapter 6, I survey the related
work on survivable storage systems and recovery protocols for threshold sharing schemes. Finally,
in Chapter 7, I end with a discussion of conclusions, research results, and directions of future work.
Chapter 2
System model
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt,
and where thieves break through and steal.
— Matthew 6:19 (KJV)
In this chapter, I present an abstract model of a survivable storage system consisting of clients,
servers, and a communication network. I also present a model of how an adversary might subvert
the servers in such a system, and discuss how the subverted servers could attempt to disrupt system
operation. I then discuss how the system can use a recovery protocol to counteract the actions of
the adversary, and identify the design requirements for the protocol.
2.1 Abstract storage system model
The abstract storage system model consists of clients, servers, and a communications network.
Figure 2.1 shows clients, servers, and the network channels that connect clients and servers to
each other. In this section, I present a high-level description of the system components, and the
assumptions I make about their behavior.
Clients are hosts that store and retrieve data with m-of-n distribution schemes. Clients are always
correct: given data d and scheme s, a client applies s to d according to the specification of s. Servers
are hosts that store pieces of data on stable storage. Servers are usually correct: given a piece p of
data, a server saves p on stable storage when it receives p froma client, and returns p when requested
by the client. However, a server may sometimes be faulty, exhibiting Byzantine behavior: given p,
Broadcast channel
Figure 2.1: Abstract model of a storage system with n servers. The solid lines show point-to-point connections
between components: clients are connected to servers, and a server is connected to all other servers.
The dashed lines show connections of servers to a broadcast channel. Dots indicate elided clients or servers.
a faulty server may refuse to save p on stable storage, or save a corrupted piece p′ instead of p, or
refuse to return p. I assume that correct servers make forward progress; in particular, a server is
deemed faulty if it does not send messages when expected to in a timely manner.
I assume that underlying authentication and permission mechanisms exist for a server to confirm
that a client has the right to store a piece at the server. I also assume for now that the membership
of the set of servers is constant, though I will relax this assumption later.
The network in the system provides point-to-point channels from a client to all servers, and from
a server to all other servers. The channels deliver messages reliably in first-in, first-out (FIFO) order
for each pair of hosts: if a host A sends a message M to host B, B is guaranteed to receive M, and
guaranteed to receive M before any other message M′ that A sends after sending M. The channels
are authenticated: if A sends a message to B, no host E can masquerade as either A or B. Lastly, the
channels are private: if A sends a message to B, its contents are known only to A and B.
The network also provides a broadcast channel that connects all servers. The channel delivers
messages from a server reliably in FIFO order: if a server broadcasts a message M followed by
M′, all other servers receive M followed by M′. However, the channel does not enforce an ordering
between messages sent by different servers: if server A broadcasts MA, and server B broadcasts
MB, server C may receive MA followed by MB or MB followed by MA, and server D may receive
MA and MB in an order different from C. The channel is authenticated: no server E, regardless of
whether it is correct or faulty, can masquerade as some other server (i.e., E cannot forge signatures
on messages).
2.2 The mobile adversary and its effect on servers
An adversary is an external entity that attempts to subvert servers. Once subverted, a server is
controlled by the adversary, and may behave in ways that deviate from its specification. In this
section, I present a temporal model of how an adversary may subvert target servers.
Conceptually, the adversary is an external host that is connected by point-to-point channels to all
servers, while also being connected to the broadcast channel. The adversary is not connected to the
clients, and in any case cannot subvert the clients (consistent with the assumption of correct clients).
The adversary cannot eavesdrop on the point-to-point channels, or inject messages into those channels
that purport to be from other hosts (consistent with the assumptions about the point-to-point
channels). The adversary can see all messages sent over the broadcast channel, and can also send
messages over the channel or inject messages via servers under its control. The adversary causes
subverted servers to become faulty, and exhibit the Byzantine behavior discussed in Section 2.1. In
turn, a faulty server may reveal its memory contents (e.g., stored pieces of data) to the adversary.
To reason about the temporal behavior of the adversary, I adopt the mobile adversary model
proposed by Ostrovsky and Yung [39] and refined by Herzberg et al. [32]. In the model, time is
divided into epochs in which the adversary may subvert a limited number of servers. The limit is
specified implicitly by the data distribution scheme used in the system, e.g., for an m-of-n scheme,
the adversary may control at most m−1 servers per epoch. An update phase separate consecutive
epochs. At the start of the update phase, the system tries to remove all subverted servers from
under the control of the adversary, though it might succeed in removing only some or none. A
formerly subverted server may have corrupted memory contents. After the end of the update phase,
the adversary may again subvert servers, up to the limit specified by the distribution scheme. The
adversary is constrained from re-subverting servers during the update phase, which is reasonable
provided that an update phase is short relative an epoch. Ostrovsky and Yung assume that the
system has some external mechanism for the detection and repair of subverted servers.
One can visualize the mobile adversary as having a fixed number of “pebbles” that it may place
on servers during each epoch. A server is covered by at most one pebble. At the start of the update
phase, the system tries to remove all pebbles and gives them back to the adversary, though it might
1 m−1
Epoch t

1 m


1 m−1 m
Epoch t+1

m−1 n
1 m−1
m−1 n
Update phase t
1 1
Figure 2.2: A storage system that uses an m-of-n data distribution scheme, in the presence of a mobile
adversary. The memory contents (i.e., pieces of data) of the adversary and servers are shown. The adversary
may only control at most m−1 servers per epoch. Crosshatched servers are controlled by the adversary. In
epoch t, the adversary subverts servers 1 through m−1 and obtains their pieces. During the update phase,
the system removes all servers from under the control of the adversary. In epoch t+1, the adversary subverts
server m and obtains its piece. The adversary can then reconstruct the original data.
succeed in removing only some or none. At the start of the next epoch, the adversary may again
place pebbles on servers. A server that is covered by a pebble is controlled by the adversary. A
covered server that is later uncovered is no longer controlled by the adversary.
Even though a mobile adversary can only subvert a limited number of servers in each epoch,
it can eventually subvert every server over multiple epochs. For example, consider the system in
Figure 2.2 that uses an m-of-n scheme. The adversary may control at most m−1 servers per epoch.
Initially, in epoch t, the adversary subverts servers 1 through m−1, and obtains the pieces held by
those servers. During the update phase, the system removes all of the servers from under the control
of the adversary. In epoch t +1, the adversary subverts server m, and obtains the piece held by m;
thus, the adversary may now reconstruct the original data.
To counteract the adversary, the system requires a recovery protocol to execute after it has tried
to remove subverted servers from under the control of the adversary. I postulate the following
protocol design requirements in the context of the mobile adversary model:
• It must generate new pieces for the next epoch such that they can be used to reconstruct
the secret, and such that they cannot be combined with pieces from the current epoch to
reconstruct the secret.
1 m−1 1 m−1 1 m−1
Epoch t

1 m


Epoch t+1

Update phase t
m−1 n
Adversary Adversary Adversary
Servers Servers
Figure 2.3: A storage system with a recovery protocol in the presence of a mobile adversary. The adversary
may only control at most m−1 servers per epoch. Crosshatched servers are controlled by the adversary.
The system executes a recovery protocol during the update phase to generate new (shaded) pieces for correct
servers. New pieces cannot be combined with current pieces to reconstruct the original data. In epoch t, the
adversary subverts servers 1 through m−1 and obtains their pieces. During the update phase, the system
removes all servers from under the control of the adversary. In epoch t +1, the adversary subverts server m
and obtains its piece. However, the adversary does not obtain enough pieces (current or new) to reconstruct
the original data.
• It must include mechanisms to prevent the adversary from corrupting protocol execution,
because the adversary may still control some servers during the update phase.
• It must erase the pieces for the current epoch from server memories, to prevent the adversary
from ever obtaining any other current pieces it needs.
With a recovery protocol that satisfies these design requirements, the system can prevent a mobile
adversary from ever obtaining enough pieces to reconstruct the original data; I will prove this
point in Section 3.3. For example, consider the system in Figure 2.3 that uses an m-of-n scheme,
and contrast it with the system in Figure 2.2. As before, the adversary may control at most m−1
servers per epoch. Initially, in epoch t, the adversary subverts servers 1 through m−1, and obtains
the pieces held by those servers. During the update phase, the system removes all of the servers
from under the control of the adversary, and executes the recovery protocol. In epoch t +1, the adversary
subverts server m, and obtains the piece held by m; however, this piece cannot be combined
with the pieces from t to reconstruct the data.
2.3 The dynamic membership model
Ostrovsky and Yung assume a static membership model of the system in their mobile adversary
model [39]. In their model, the number of servers, the membership of the set of servers, and the
threshold parameter of the underlying data distribution scheme are all fixed throughout the duration
of system operation. In practice, however, one might wish for the system to exclude subverted
servers from the system, replacing them with new servers. Also, one might wish to increase the
number of servers in the system (and the threshold parameter of the underlying distribution scheme),
in order to increase the number of servers the adversary must subvert in order to reconstruct data.
I adopt a dynamic membership model of a system by extending the mobile adversary model to
allow servers to join and leave the system. As in the original model, I divide time into epochs during
which an adversary may subvert a limited number of servers. Consecutive epochs are separated
by an update phase. At the start of the update phase, the system tries to remove all subverted
servers from under the control of the adversary (though it might succeed in removing only some or
none), and admits new servers. It then executes the recovery protocol before allowing old servers
to leave the system. After the end of the update phase, the adversary may again subvert servers.
The adversary is constrained from subverting servers during the update phase, and from corrupting
the state of underlying membership protocols that manage the set of servers. An old server, once it
leaves the system, is treated like a new server if it tries to rejoin the system.
The dynamic membership model impacts the design of mechanisms put in place to prevent an
adversary from corrupting recovery protocol execution (the second requirement in Section 2.2).
The set of servers in the next epoch may be completely disjoint from the set in the current epoch,
thus none of the new servers will have any information about the original data, (e.g., none of them
will have ever stored pieces of the data). This lack of information rules out simple adaptations of
recovery protocols designed around static membership models, in which participant servers perform
verification computations (to prevent an adversary from corrupting execution) in the current update
phase that require information that they have received in the previous update phase.
I impose a new requirement on the recovery protocol to accommodate dynamic membership:
• It must enable the system to change the threshold parameter of the underlying data distribution
I motivate the new requirement with the following example. Consider a system of n servers
that uses an n-of-n scheme. Suppose that the set of servers changes such that there are n′ servers,
2.4. SUMMARY 11
where n′ < n. The system must change the parameters of the underlying distribution scheme so that
a lower number of pieces can be used to reconstruct the data.
Because the threshold parameter may change, I need to add a new pair of assumptions to the
adversary model. Suppose the system uses an m-of-n scheme in the current epoch, and will use an
m′-of-n′ scheme in the next epoch. With these parameters, the adversary can control at most m−1
servers in the current epoch, and at most m′ −1 servers in the next epoch. Also, at the start of the
update phase, I assume that the system removes subverted servers from under the control of the
adversary such that, during the update phase, at most m−1 servers from the current epoch and at
most m′−1 servers from the next epoch are subverted. Previously, in a system that used an m-of-n
scheme, the adversary could control at most m−1 servers per epoch; I assumed that the system
would try to remove all subverted servers from under the control of the adversary at the start of the
update phase, though it might succeed in removing only some or none.
2.4 Summary
I have presented the abstract storage system model that I will use throughout the remainder of this
dissertation. Distinct from previous work, the set of servers in the system has a dynamic membership:
the number of servers, the membership of the set, and the threshold parameter of the underlying
data distribution scheme may change during the lifetime of the system. I have also discussed
the design requirements for a recovery protocol that the system can use to counteract an adversary
in the context of a dynamic membership model.
Chapter 3
Verifiable Secret Redistribution
Trust, but verify.
— Russian proverb
In this chapter, I present the verifiable secret redistribution (VSR) protocol for threshold sharing
schemes. The VSR protocol is designed to counteract a mobile adversary in a system of servers
with dynamic membership, and ensure that the servers have valid shares of data after redistribution.
The protocol executes in the update phase between epochs, after the system has removed some
(perhaps none) of the servers from under the control of the adversary. Any shares of data obtained by
the adversary prior to protocol execution are rendered useless after successful execution, provided
that the adversary had only obtained a sub-threshold number of shares. Moreover, the adversary
cannot combine shares obtained prior to protocol execution with shares obtained after execution to
reconstruct the data.
In the presentation of the VSR protocol, I employ the terminology that is generally used in the
discussion of threshold sharing schemes. Thus, in this chapter I refer to data as secrets, clients as
dealers, and servers as shareholders.
The rest of this chapter is organized as follows. In Section 3.1, I outline the cryptographic protocols
that are the building blocks for the VSR protocol. In Section 3.2, I present the VSR protocol,
and prove that shares held by shareholders after protocol execution can be used to reconstruct the
original secret. In Section 3.3, I show that the VSR protocol fulfills all of the design requirements
discussed in Chapter 2, and demonstrate how it counteracts a mobile adversary.
3.1 Cryptographic building blocks
In this section, I outline the building blocks of the VSR protocol: Shamir’s threshold sharing scheme
[49], Desmedt and Jajodia’s secret redistribution protocol [16], and Feldman’s VSS scheme [17].
3.1.1 Shamir’s threshold sharing scheme
Shamir presents a scheme for distributing n shares of a secret to n shareholders, such that the shares
of any subset of m unique shareholders can be used to reconstruct the secret [49]. Secrets k are in the
finite field of integers Zp (where p is prime and p > n). Shareholders i are in the set of participants
P (|P| = n). Shares si of i are also in the set Zp. Each subset of m unique shareholders forms an
authorized subset B; all authorized subsets are in the access structure G(m,n)
P .
To distribute k to i ∈ P, a dealer selects a random m−1 degree polynomial a(x) with constant
term equal to k and random coefficients a1 ... am−1 ∈ Zp, and uses a(x) to generate si for each i:
si = k+a1i+. . .+am−1im−1 mod p (3.1)
To reconstruct k, the dealer retrieves m shares si of i ∈ B, and uses Lagrange interpolation to
recover the constant term of a(x), i.e., k:
k = å
bisi mod p where bi = Õ
j∈B, j6=i
( j−i)
mod p (3.2)
For the rest of the chapter, I omit the modulus operator to simply the notation.
3.1.2 Desmedt and Jajodia’s secret redistribution protocol
Desmedt and Jajodia present a protocol for the redistribution of shares of secrets for threshold
sharing schemes [16] that does not require the intermediate reconstruction of the secret. I summarize
a specialized version of their protocol for use with Shamir’s threshold sharing scheme [49], as shown
in Figure 3.1. To redistribute a secret k from the access structure G(m,n)
P to the access structure
P′ , one selects an authorized subset B ∈ G(m,n)
P . Each shareholder i ∈ B uses Shamir’s scheme
to distribute subshares ˆ si j of its share si to each shareholder j ∈ P′:
ˆ si j = si+a′
i1′ j+. . .+a′
i(m′−1) jm′−1 (3.3)
Desmedt and Jajodia’s Secret Redistribution protocol for Shamir’s scheme
To redistribute a secret k ∈ Zp from the access structure G(m,n)
P to the access structure G(m′,n′)
P′ using the
authorized subset B ∈ G(m,n)
P :
1. For each i ∈ B, use the random polynomial a′
i( j) = si+a′
i1 j+. . .+a′
i(m′−1) jm′−1 to compute the
subshares ˆ si j of si, and send ˆ si j to the corresponding j ∈ P′.
2. For each j ∈ P′, generate a new share s′
j by Lagrange interpolation:
j = å
bi ˆ si j where bi = Õ
bi are constant for each i ∈ B, are independent of the choice of a′
i(x), and may be precomputed.
Figure 3.1: Protocol for the redistribution of shares of a secret from the access structure G(m,n)
P to the access
structure G(m′,n′)
P′ [16] with Shamir’s threshold sharing scheme [49].
Each j then generates a new share s′
j by Lagrange interpolation:
j = å
bi ˆ si j where bi = Õ
One can redistribute shares of k an arbitrary number of times prior to the reconstruction of k.
To reconstruct k after redistribution, one retrieves m′ shares s′
j of j ∈ B′, and uses Lagrange
k = å
js j where b′
j = Õ
(x− j)
3.1.3 Feldman’s VSS scheme
Feldman presents a scheme for verifiable secret sharing (VSS) [17] that shareholders of a secret can
use to verify that their shares are valid; i.e., the shares of any authorized subset of shareholders can
be used to reconstruct the original secret.
To use Feldman’s scheme, assume that there exists a homomorphic witness functionW(x) of the
Feldman’s Verifiable Secret Sharing scheme for Shamir’s scheme
To distribute a secret k ∈ Zp to the access structure G(m,n)
P :
1. Use the random polynomial a(i) = k+a1i+. . .+am−1im−1 to compute the shares si of k, and send si to the
corresponding i ∈ P over private channels.
2. Use a witness function W(x) to compute W(k),W(a1) . . .W(am−1), and send them to all i ∈ P over the
broadcast channel.
3. For each i ∈ P, verify that:
W(si) ≡W(k)⊕(W(a1)⊗i)⊕. . .⊕(W(a1)⊗im−1)
If the condition holds, i broadcasts a “commit” message. Otherwise, i broadcasts an “abort” message.
Figure 3.2: Feldman’s VSS scheme [17] for Shamir’s threshold sharing scheme [49].
W(a+b) = W(a)⊕W(b) (3.6)
W(ab) = W(a)⊗b (3.7)
for which inversion is intractable: that is, given W(x) it is intractable to compute x. The witness
functions allows one to prove knowledge of some value without revealing the value. The ⊕ and
⊗ operations are the homomorphic equivalents of addition and multiplication in the finite field of
The VSS scheme works as follows. The dealer uses Shamir’s scheme with a random polynomial
a(x) to distribute the secret k ∈ Zp to the access structure G(m,n)
P . In addition to sending the shares si
to shareholders i ∈ P, the dealer broadcasts witnesses of k and the coefficients a1 ... am−1 of a(x),
i.e.,W(k) andW(a1) ... W(am−1). Each i may then verify that si is a valid share of k using
W(si) ≡W(k)⊕(W(a1)⊗i)⊕. . .⊕(W(a1)⊗im−1) (3.8)
which is the result of applying W(x) to a(x) (Equation (3.1)). Because the inversion of W(x) is
intractable, no one can learn k or a1 ... am−1 from the broadcast of the witnesses.
In this dissertation, I consider two candidate witness functions: exponentiation in a finite field
and point multiplication on an elliptic curve.
The finite field of integers Zp (p prime) has a corresponding multiplicative ring Z∗q (q prime; q =
pr+1; r is a positive integer). Given Zp and Z∗q, one can define a witness function
W(x) = gx where x ∈ Zp (3.9)
where integer g ∈ Z∗q is a publicly-known generator of a sub-ring of Z∗q of prime order. The intractability
of the inversion of W(x) is based on the discrete logarithm problem (DLP) for finite
fields: given g and gk, it is hard to compute k. The ⊕ operation is multiplication in Z∗q, and the ⊗
operation is exponentiation in Z∗q (cf. Equation (3.6)):
W(a+b) = gagb (3.10)
W(ab) = (ga)b (3.11)
Point multiplication on an elliptic curve
An elliptic curve E over the finite field Fpm (p prime; m is a positive integer) is denoted by E(Fpm),
and is defined by the equation
y2 = x3+ax+b (p ≥ 3) (3.12)
y2+xy = x3+ax+b (p = 2) (3.13)
where the coordinate points x, y ∈ Fpm. The points on the curve form a group comprising |E(Fpm)|
points, with a rule that defines the addition of points P and Q and another rule that defines the
multiplication of a point P by a scalar integer k. The group contains an additive identity called the
point at infinity O (that is, a point P added to the point at infinity yields P). Blake, Seroussi, and
Smart present a more comprehensive discussion of elliptic curves in cryptography [6].
Given an elliptic curve, one can define a witness function
W(x) = [x]G where 1 < x < r, [r]G = O (3.14)
where G ∈ E(Fpm) is a publicly-known point (cf., g for exponentiation) that generates a prime order
subgroup of E(Fpm) of order r < |E(Fpm)|. The notation [x]G distinguishes the scalar variable x
from the multi-dimensional coordinate G. The intractability of the inversion of W(x) is based on
the analog to the DLP for elliptic curves: given P and [k]P, it is hard to compute k. The ⊕ operation
is point addition, and the ⊗ operation is scalar multiplication (cf. Equation (3.6)):
W(a+b) = [a]G+[b]G (3.15)
W(ab) = [b]([a]G) (3.16)
3.2 The VSR protocol
Here, I present the verifiable secret redistribution protocol for secrets distributed with Shamir’s
threshold sharing scheme [49]. The protocol takes as input shares of a secret distributed to an
authorized subset B in the access structure G(m,n)
P , and outputs shares of the secret distributed to the
access structure G(m′,n′)
P′ . I assume that there exists a witness functionW(x) with the properties shown
in Equation (3.6), and assume that inversion of W(x) is intractable. The system model is the one
presented in Section 2.1, in which the dealer is always correct, but in which some of the shareholders
may be subverted by an adversary. I assume that there are at least m correct old shareholders, and
that there are at most m−1 faulty old shareholders. I also assume that there are at least m′ correct
new shareholders, and that there are at most m′ −1 faulty new shareholders. I assume that correct
shareholders make forward progress; a shareholder is deemed faulty if it does not send protocol
messages in a timely manner. The dealer and shareholders are fully connected to each other by
private channels, and shareholders are also connected to each other by a broadcast channel.
The initial distribution of a secret (INITIAL in Figure 3.3) is with Shamir’s threshold scheme
[49]. The dealer of secret k distributes shares si to each shareholder i ∈ P, using the random polynomial
a(i) (step 1 of INITIAL). The dealer also sends the witness W(k) to each i (step 2). Each i
receives the same value forW(k), consistent with the assumption that the dealer is correct.
Redistribution of the secret (REDIST in Figure 3.3) is similar to Desmedt and Jajodia’s protocol
[16]. Each i in an authorized subset B ∈ G(m,n)
P uses Shamir’s scheme (with the random polynomial
i( j)) to distribute subshares ˆ si j ∈ Zp of its share si to shareholders j ∈ P′ (step 1 of REDIST). Each
j receives ˆ si j from each i, and generates a new share s′
j (Equation (3.4), which is step 4). One can
redistribute shares of k an arbitrary number of times prior to reconstruction of k.
Verifiable Secret Redistribution protocol for Shamir’s sharing scheme
To distribute a secret k ∈ Zp to the access structure G(m,n)
P :
1. Use the random polynomial a(i) = k+a1i+. . .+am−1im−1 to compute the shares si of k, and send si to the
corresponding i ∈ P over private channels.
2. Use witness functionW(x) to computeW(k), and send it to all i ∈ P over private channels.
To redistribute k ∈ Zp from the authorized subset B in the access structure G(m,n)
P to the access structure G(m′,n′)
P′ :
1. For each i ∈ B, use the random polynomial a′
i( j) = si+a′
i1 j+. . .+a′
i(m′−1) jm′−1 to compute the subshares
ˆ si j of si, and send ˆ si j to the corresponding j ∈ P′ over private channels. An i that has a null share sends
nothing. A j that does not receive a timely ˆ si j from i broadcasts an “abort” message.
2. For each i ∈ B, use W(x) to compute W(si),W(a′
i1) . . .W(a′
i(m′−1)), and send them and W(k) to all j ∈ P′
over the broadcast channel. An i that has a null share sends nothing. A j that does not receive a timely
broadcast from i broadcasts an “abort” message.
3. For each j ∈ P′, verify that:
∀i ∈ B :W( ˆ si j) ≡W(si)⊕(W(a′
i1)⊗ j)⊕. . .⊕(W(a′
i(m′−1))⊗ jm′−1)
W(k) ≡M
W(si)⊗bi where bi = Õ
If the conditions hold, j broadcasts a “commit” message. Otherwise, j broadcasts an “abort” message. A j
that does not send a timely “commit” message is assumed to have implicitly sent an “abort” message.
4. If at least 2m′ −1 j ∈ P′ broadcast “commit” messages, each j generates a new share s′
j :
j = å
bi ˆ si j where bi = Õ
and stores s′
j and W(k); all i ∈ P then erase their shares. A j that has received fewer than m subshares
generates a null share.
5. If at least m′ j ∈ P′ broadcast “abort” messages, all i ∈ B and all j ∈ P′ abort the protocol.
Figure 3.3: Protocol for the verifiable redistribution of shares of a secret from the authorized subset B in the
access structure G(m,n)
P to the access structure G(m′,n′)
P′ with Shamir’s threshold sharing scheme [49].
For the new shareholders to have a valid sharing of the secret after redistribution, two conditions,
called SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-VALID, must hold:
k = åi∈B bisi
∃B′ ∈ G(m′,n′)
P′ : ∀i ∈ B : si = åj∈B′ b′
j ˆ si j
The VSR protocol must ensure that correct new shareholders have a valid sharing after protocol
execution, i.e., that there exists an authorized subset with shares that can be used to reconstruct
the original secret. Thus, I define a NEW-SHARES-VALID condition, which holds if an authorized
subset of new shareholders have valid shares of the secret. I prove in Section 3.2.4 that NEW-
VALID is similar to Equation (3.2):
∃B′ ∈ G(m′,n′)
P′ : k = åj∈B′ b′
The definition of NEW-SHARES-VALID may seem counterintuitive, as one may expect any subset
of m′ new shareholders to have shares than can be used to reconstruct k. However, observe that
some new shareholders may not have valid shares. First, faulty new shareholders may not have
valid shares. Second, when 2m′ −1 shareholders broadcast a “commit” message (step 5 of REDIST),
there may exist new shareholders that have received fewer than m subshares, and thus cannot
generate new shares; such shareholders must store a null share. As I will prove in Section 3.2.4,
there will still exist at least m′ new shareholders that can generate new shares.
I use Feldman’s VSS scheme [17] to verify that SUBSHARES-VALID holds. The distribution of
ˆ si j from si (step 1 of REDIST) is just an application of Shamir’s scheme. Thus, each i ∈ B broadcasts
witnesses of its share and the coefficients of a′
i( j), W(si) and W(ai1) ... W(ai(m−1)), which each j
uses to verify the validity of ˆ si j (step 2).
The key insight embodied in the VSR protocol is that the na¨ıve extension of Desmedt and
Jajodia’s protocol with Feldman’s scheme does not in itself allow the new shareholders to verify that
NEW-SHARES-VALID holds. The difficulty arises because Feldman’s scheme only verifies that SUBSHARES-
VALID holds, which in the absence of SHARES-VALID is insufficient to verify that NEW-
-SHARES-VALID holds. Although Desmedt and Jajodia observe that the linear properties of their
protocol and the properties of W(x) ensure that each j generates valid shares [16], they implicitly
assume that each i ∈ B distributes subshares of valid si. The VSS scheme only enables i to prove
that it distributed valid ˆ si j of some value. However, i may have distributed “subshares” of some
random value instead of subshares of si. Thus, one requires a sub-protocol for i to prove that it
distributed ˆ si j of si.
A similar flaw can be found in the proactive RSA scheme proposed by Frankel et al. [18]. Their
protocol uses a poly-to-sum redistribution from a polynomial sharing scheme to an additive sharing
scheme, and a sum-to-poly redistribution from the additive scheme back to a polynomial scheme.
They suggest that changes in the threshold and number of shareholders can be accommodated in
the poly-to-sum redistribution. Unfortunately, their verification checks hold only if one retains the
same set of shareholders, because their “proper secret” check relies on a witness (gsiL2 in their
paper) computed from information distributed in the preceding execution of the protocol.
To allow the new shareholders to verify that SHARES-VALID holds, the old shareholders in
the protocol broadcast a witness of the original secret k. Each i ∈ B stores W(k) received during
INITIAL and later broadcast it to all j ∈ P′. Recall that each j receives W(si) from each i to verify
that SUBSHARES-VALID holds. Once j receivesW(k), it verifies that each si is a valid share of k:
W(k) =M
W(si)⊗bi (3.17)
which is the result of applying W(x) to Equation (3.2). Because inversion of W(x) is intractable,
no-one can learn k directly from the broadcast ofW(k).
3.2.1 Assumptions about faulty shareholders
During redistribution from the authorized subset B in access structure G(m,n)
P to access structure
P′ with the VSR protocol, I assume that at least m shareholders in P are correct, and that at
most m−1 shareholders in P are faulty. I also assume that at least m′ shareholders in P′ are correct,
and that at most m′ −1 shareholders in P′ are faulty. I denote faulty shareholders and invalid
values with over-bars. A correct shareholder i ∈ P distributes valid subshares ˆ si j of its share si to
all shareholders j ∈ P′ and broadcasts W(k) corresponding to secret k (REDIST in Figure 3.3). A
faulty shareholder ı ∈ P may distribute invalid subshares ˆ sı j or broadcast W(k) not corresponding
to k; of course, ı may instead distribute valid subshares or valid witnesses.
One can derive a relationship between the old threshold scheme parameters m and n. If at least
m old shareholders must be correct and at most m−1 old shareholders may be faulty, it is required
that m+m−1 ≤ n, or
m ≤ ¹n+1
2 º (3.18)
One can also derive a relationship between the new threshold scheme parameters m′ and n′. To
avoid a race condition in which some new shareholders have received at least 2m′ −1 “commit”
messages and fewer than m′ “abort” messages, while others have received at least m′ “abort” messages
but fewer than 2m′−1 “commit” messages, it is required that (2m′−1)+(m′−1) ≥ n′. Also,
to ensure that new shareholders broadcast at least 2m′ −1 “commit” messages, it is required that
2m′−1 ≤ n′. Hence,
3 ¼≤ m′ ≤ ¹n′+1
2 º (3.19)
3.2.2 Detection of faulty old shareholders
The VSR protocol enables new shareholders to detect that some subset of the old shareholders are
faulty. However, depending on the actions taken by faulty shareholders, the new shareholders may
not be able to pinpoint the identity of the faulty shareholders. I consider two different scenarios for
redistribution between access structures G(m,n)
P and G(m′,n′)
P′ , and show the circumstances in which the
new shareholders can pinpoint a faulty old shareholder ı in an authorized subset B ∈ G(m,n)
P .
First, suppose that ı ∈ B broadcasts valid witnesses W(k), W(sı) and W(aı1) ... W(aı(m−1))
(step 2 of REDIST in Figure 3.3). If ı sends an invalid subshare ˆ sı j to j ∈ P′, j will find that
the SUBSHARES-VALID condition does not hold. j can pinpoint ı, because only ı can generate
the information used to verify whether or not SUBSHARES-VALID holds (i.e., W(sı), W(aı1) ...
W(aı(m−1)), and ˆ sı j). j will therefore broadcast an “abort” message (step 3 of REDIST).
On the other hand, suppose that ı broadcasts an invalid witnessW(k) 6=W(k) (or an invalid witnessW(
sı)), while the other shareholders i ∈ B broadcast the valid witnessW(k) (or valid witnesses
W(si)). j will find that the SHARES-VALID condition does not hold. However, j cannot pinpoint ı,
because j cannot distinguish between the case where ı broadcasts an invalid witness, and the case
where ı is correct and the other shareholders in B have conspired to broadcast invalid witnesses.
Any randomly selected authorized subset B must contain at least one correct shareholder (consistent
with the assumption that at most m−1 old shareholders are faulty). If the new shareholders
find that one of the SHARES-VALID or SUBSHARES-VALID conditions does not hold, they can restart
the redistribution protocol with another authorized subset until both conditions hold. For G(m,n)
P , the
number of times the new shareholders must restart the redistribution protocol is bounded in the
worst case by the number of sets of size m containing at least one faulty shareholder, given m−1
faulty shareholders:
m !=
i=1 Ãm−1
i !Ãn−m+1
m−i ! (3.20)
The VSR protocol does not specify a restart mechanism. A system that incorporates the VSR
protocol would need to implement a mechanism to detect “abort” messages (step 3 of REDIST in
Figure 3.3), and restart the protocol with a different authorized subset in G(m,n)
P .
3.2.3 Computation cost
The computation cost of verification for each old shareholder in the VSR protocol (step 2 of REDIST
in Figure 3.3) is O(m′)W(x) computations. Consider redistribution from the access structure G(m,n)
to the access structure G(m′,n′)
P′ . Each old shareholder i ∈ B (B ∈ G(m,n)
P ) computesW(si) for its share
si, andW(ai j) for each of the m′−1 coefficients ai j in the subshare generation polynomial ai(x), for
a total cost of O(m′).
The computation cost of verification for each new shareholder (step 3 of REDIST) is O(m)W(x)
computations, O(mm′) ⊕ operations, and O(mm′) ⊗ operations. Again, consider redistribution from
the access structure G(m,n)
P to the access structure G(m′,n′)
P′ . Each new shareholder j ∈ P′ computes
W( ˆ si j) to obtain a witness of the subshare ˆ si j from each i (i ∈ B, |B| = m), for a total cost of
O(m). Each j also performs m′ −1 ⊕ operations (B′ ∈ GP′ ; |B′| = m′) and m′ −1 ⊗ operations
for m old shareholders i ∈ B to verify that SUBSHARES-VALID holds (Equation (3.8)), for a total
cost of O(mm′). Finally, each j also performs m−1 ⊕ operations and m ⊗ operations to verify
that SHARES-VALID holds (Equation (3.17)), for a total cost of O(m); I exclude the (small) cost of
computing the powers of i because it is generally small compared to the cost of W(x), ⊕, and ⊗
(Chapter 5).
3.2.4 Protocol correctness on termination
For the verifiable redistribution of shares of a secret k from an authorized subset B in the access
structure G(m,n)
P to the access structure G(m′,n′)
P′ , I prove that if at least 2m′ −1 new shareholders
broadcast a “commit” message, SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-VALID both hold. I then prove
that SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-VALID are sufficient conditions for NEW-SHARES-VALID.
Lemma 1 If at least 2m′ −1 shareholders in P′ broadcast a “commit” message, SUBSHARESVALID
PROOF: Assume that at least 2m′ −1 shareholders in P′ broadcast a “commit” message. Also,
recall the assumption that, at most, m′ −1 shareholders in P′ are faulty. I then need to prove that
Consider the shares si of old shareholders i ∈ B, and the subshares ˆ si j that are distributed to new
shareholders j ∈ P′. At most, m′ −1 “commit” messages originate from faulty new shareholders.
Because at least 2m′−1 new shareholders broadcast “commit” messages, at least m′ messages must
originate from correct shareholders that together constitute an authorized subset B′ ∈ G(m′,n′)
P′ . Each
j ∈ B′ broadcasts a “commit” message only if Equation (3.8) holds for its subshare ˆ si j from each i
(step 3 of REDIST in Figure 3.3), i.e.,
∀ j ∈ B′ : ∀i ∈ B :W( ˆ si j) ≡W(si)⊕(W(a′
i1)⊗ j)⊕. . .⊕(W(a′
i(m′−1))⊗ jm′−1)
which (from the homomorphic properties of the witness functionW(x)) is equivalent to
∀ j ∈ B′ : ∀i ∈ B : ˆ si j = si+a′
i1 j . . .a′
i(m′−1) jm′−1
The ˆ si j of j can be used to reconstruct si by Lagrange interpolation, i.e.,
∀i ∈ B : si = å
j ˆ si j
Lemma 2 If at least m′ shareholders in P′ broadcast a “commit” message, SHARES-VALID holds.
PROOF: Assume that at least m′ shareholders in P′ broadcast a “commit” message. Also, recall the
assumption that, at most, m′ −1 shareholders in P′ are faulty. I then needs to prove that SHARESVALID
Consider the secret k, the shares si of old shareholders i ∈ B, and the witnesses W(si) of the
shares andW(k) of the secret. At most, m′−1 “commit” messages originate from faulty shareholders.
Any remaining “commit” messages must originate from correct shareholders j ∈ P′. Each j
broadcasts a “commit” message only if Equation (3.17) holds (step 3 of REDIST in Figure 3.3), i.e.,
W(k) =M
which (from the homomorphic properties of the witness functionW(x)) is equivalent to
k = å
Note that because the witnesses are sent by reliable broadcast, all new shareholders will see the
same values. Thus, if SHARES-VALID holds at one correct shareholder, it will hold at all correct
shareholders. ¤
Theorem 1 (VSR correctness on termination) If SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-VALID hold,
PROOF: Assume that SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-VALID hold. One then needs to prove that
The correctness proof is similar to that for Desmedt and Jajodia’s secret redistribution protocol
[16]. There exists B′ ∈ G(m′,n′)
P′ such that:
k = å
bisi (Lemma 2)
= å
i∈BÃbi å
j ˆ si j! (Lemma 1)
= å
j ˆ si j (x(y+z) = xy+xz)
= å
jbi ˆ si j (xy = yx)
= å
jbi ˆ si j (x+y = y+x)
= å
j å
bi ˆ si j! (xy+xz = x(y+z))
= å
j (Equation (3.4))
3.2.5 Protocol security
For the verifiable redistribution of shares of a secret k from an authorized subset B in the access
structure G(m,n)
P to the access structure G(m′,n′)
P′ , I show that an adversary cannot reconstruct k from
a combination of shares from the old and new sets of shareholders. In particular, I prove a lemma,
Lemma 7, that an adversary cannot combine the shares of shareholders in the non-authorized subset
B /∈ G(m,n)
P (|B| < m) and the shares of shareholders in the non-authorized subset B′ /∈ G(m′,n′)
(|B′| < m′) to uniquely determine k. I have not been able to prove a second lemma, Lemma 8, that
a computationally-bound adversary cannot use the shares of shareholders in B with the witnesses
W(k),W(s1), . . . ,W(sm) to uniquely determine k. I do, however, provide a conjecture (and corresponding
proof sketch) that would follow from Lemmas 7 and 8: a computationally-bound adversary
cannot use the shares of shareholders in B and B′, and the witnesses W(k),W(s1), . . . ,W(sm)
to uniquely determine k.
I require some lemmas presented by Beaumont [4] and Kostrikin [36] for systems of u linear
equations in v unknowns of the form
m11x1+m12x2+ · · · +m1vxv = b1
m21x1+m22x2+ · · · +m2vxv = b2
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
mu1x1+mu2x2+ · · · +muvxv = bu
Let M, x, and b denote
m11 · · · m1v
. . .
mu1 · · · muv
, x =
, b =
 let [
denote the augmented matrix
[M|b] =
m11 · · · m1v b1
. . .
mu1 · · · muv bu
let rank(M) denote the rank of M (number of linearly independent columns in M), and let det(M)
denote the determinant of M.
Lemma 3 rank(M) = rank(MT ).
Lemma 4 (Kronecker-Capelli theorem) Iff rank(M) = rank([M|b]), Equation (3.21) has a solution
for x. Furthermore, if rank(M) < v, Equation (3.21) has no unique solution for x.
Lemma 5 (Cramer’s rule) If u = v and det(M) 6=0, Equation (3.21) has a unique solution for x.
Lemma 6 For u×u matrix A, v×v matrix B, and u×v matrix C,
detÃ"A C
0 B#!= det(A)det(B)
PROOF: By Kostrikin [36]. ¤
Lemma 7 (VSR share security) An adversary cannot combine the shares si of shareholders i in
any non-authorized subset B /∈ G(m,n)
P (|B| < m) with the shares s′
j of shareholders j in any nonauthorized
subset B′ /∈ G(m′,n′)
P′ (|B′| < m′) to uniquely determine k.
PROOF: Assume that there is a unique solution for k from the shares of shareholders in B and B′. I
will show that this assumption leads to a contradiction.
Suppose that |B|=m−1 and |B′|=m′−1, and suppose that the adversary has obtained si of i ∈
B and s′
j of j ∈ B′. Without loss of generality, suppose that the shares are s1, . . . , sm−1, s′
1, . . . , s′
Equation (3.1) can be used to construct the system of equations
1 1 · · · 1m−1 0 · · · 0
· · ·
1 i · · · im−1
. . .
· · ·
1 (m−1) · · · (m−1)m−1 0 · · · 0
1 0 · · · 0 1 · · · 1m′−1
· · ·
. . .
j · · · jm′−1
· · ·
1 0 · · · 0 (m′−1) · · · (m′−1)m′−1
 =
LetMdenote the left-hand matrix in Equation (3.22), a the coefficient vector k, a1 ... a′
m′−1, and
s the share vector. The maximum possible value for rank(M) is the number of rows (m+m′−2, by
Lemma 3), which is less than the number of values in a (m+m′−1). Also, rank(M) = rank([M|s])
since s is a linear combination of the columns ofM(by the method of share generation). Thus, there
are no unique solutions for a in Equation (3.22) (by Lemma 4). One arrives at the same conclusion
for any B′′
/∈ G(m′,n′)
P′ such that |B′′
| < m′−1.
By assumption, there is a unique solution for k, thus Equation (3.22) can be re-written as
1 · · · 1m−1 0 · · · 0
· · ·
i · · · im−1
. . .
· · ·
(m−1) · · · (m−1)m−1 0 · · · 0
0 · · · 0 1 · · · 1m′−1
· · ·
. . .
j · · · jm′−1
· · ·
0 · · · 0 (m′−1) · · · (m′−1)m′−1
j −k
Let Mk denote the left-hand matrix in Equation (3.23), and let ak denote the coefficient vector
a1 ... a′
m′−1. Let MUL
k and MLR
k denote the upper-left and lower-right square sub-matrices of Mk
k =
1 · · · 1m−1
. . .
(m−1) · · · (m−1)m−1
k =
1 · · · 1m′−1
. . .
(m′−1) · · · (m′−1)m′−1
One can express det(MUL
k ) as
k ) = 1· · · (m−1)¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
1 · · · 1m−2
. . .
1 · · · (m−1)m−2
= 1· · · (m−1) Õ
1≤i, j≤m−1;i>j
(i− j)
and observe immediately that det(MUL
k ) and det(MLR
k ) are non-zero. Thus, det(Mk) is non-zero
since det(Mk) = det(MUL
k )det(MLR
k ) (by Lemma 6).
Equation (3.23) has a unique solution for ak, because det(Mk) is non-zero (by Lemma 5). If
Equation (3.23) has a unique solution for ak, Equation (3.22) has a unique solution for a, because
there is a unique solution for k. But it has been established that there is no unique solutions for a,
so assuming that there is a unique solution for k has led to a contradiction. ¤
Lemma 8 (VSR witness security) A computationally-bound adversary cannot use the shares of
shareholders in any non-authorized subset B /∈ G(m,n)
P (|B| < m) with the witnesses W(k), W(s1),
. . .,W(sm) to uniquely determine k.
PROOF SKETCH: To prove the lemma, I would prove that determining k from the shares of shareholders
in B and the witnesses W(k),W(s1), . . . ,W(sm) is computationally equivalent to the intractable
problem of determining k fromW(k)
Conjecture 1 (VSR security) A computationally-bound adversary cannot use the shares of shareholders
in any non-authorized subset B /∈ G(m,n)
P (|B| < m), the shares of shareholders in any nonauthorized
subset B′ /∈ G(m′,n′)
P′ (|B′| < m′), and the witnesses W(k),W(s1), . . . ,W(sm) to uniquely
determine k.
PROOF SKETCH: From Lemma 7, the adversary cannot uniquely determine k from the shares of
shareholders in B and B′. From Lemma 8, the adversary cannot uniquely determine k from the
shares of shareholders in B andW(k),W(s1), . . . ,W(sm).
3.3 The mobile adversary and the VSR protocol
Here, I show that the VSR protocol fulfills requirements from Chapter 2 for a recovery protocol.
• It generates new shares for the next epoch such that they can be used to reconstruct the secret
(Theorem 1), and such that they cannot be combined with shares from the current epoch to
reconstruct the secret (Lemma 7).
• It includes mechanisms to prevent the adversary from corrupting protocol execution, because
the adversary may still control some servers (i.e., shareholders) during the update phase. The
old servers broadcast witnesses for the SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-VALID conditions
(step 2 of REDIST in Figure 3.3). The new servers then verify that the SHARES-VALID and
SUBSHARES-VALID conditions hold before they generate new shares (step 3); if the conditions
hold, the new shares are valid (Theorem 1). The protocol does not reconstruct the
original secret, thus there is no server the adversary can subvert to obtain the secret directly.
• It erases the shares for the current epoch from server memories (step 4 of REDIST), to prevent
the adversary from ever obtaining any other current shares it needs.
• It must allow the system to change the threshold parameter of the underlying data distribution
scheme. The system can accomplish such a change when executing the protocol (step 1 of
I show how an abstract storage system with dynamic membership can use the VSR protocol
to counteract a mobile adversary. Consider the system shown in Figure 3.4. The figure shows
the memory contents of the servers and the adversary during two consecutive epochs t and t +1
and the intervening update phase. The system uses Shamir’s threshold sharing scheme [49], with
the parameters (m,n) in epoch t and (m′,n′) in epoch t +1. For simplicity, assume that the sets of
servers in the two epochs are disjoint. In each epoch, the adversary may only control a sub-threshold
number of servers.
Initially, in epoch t, the adversary has subverted servers 1 through m−1 and has obtained their
shares. During the update phase, m correct servers from epoch t (say, m through 2m−1) use the
VSR protocol to redistribute their shares to the servers from epoch t +1; note that the adversary
still controls servers 1 through m−1, but does not control any of the new servers 1′ through n′. At
the end of the update phase, servers from epoch t erase their shares. In epoch t +1, the adversary
subverts servers 1′ through m′−1 and obtains their shares.
The VSR protocol, by fulfilling the design requirements for a recovery protocol, is able to
prevent the mobile adversary from ever obtaining enough shares to reconstruct the original data. In
epoch t +1, the adversary will have the shares from all of the servers it subverted in all epochs,
i.e., at most m−1 shares from epoch t and m′ −1 shares from epoch t +1. However, it is unable
to combine the two sets of shares to reconstruct k (Section 3.2.5). The adversary can never obtain
more than m−1 shares from epoch t because all of the correct servers from epoch t erase their
shares (step 4 of REDIST). There is no server that the adversary can subvert to obtain k directly
because the protocol does not reconstruct the secret at any server. Finally, the adversary cannot
learn k directly from the broadcast ofW(k) (step 2 of REDIST), consistent with the assumption that
inversion of the witness function is intractable.
1 m−1
1 m−1
1 m−1
1’ m’−1
1’ n’
Epoch t

1 m


Epoch t+1



Update phase t
Old shares
New shares
Figure 3.4: A storage system with dynamic membership that uses the VSR protocol to redistribute shares of
a secret from the access structure G(m,n)
P to the access structure G(m′,n′)
P′ , in the presence of a mobile adversary.
The memory contents (i.e., shares) of the adversary and servers are shown for two consecutive epochs t and
t +1 and the intervening update phase. The adversary may only control m−1 servers in epoch t, and m′−1
servers in epoch t +1. Crosshatched servers are under the control of the adversary. The sets of servers in
epochs t and t +1 are disjoint. The system executes the VSR protocol during the update phase to generate
new (marked by primes) shares for correct servers. New shares cannot be combined with current shares to
reconstruct the original data. The distribution of subshares during the update phase is shown, but the broadcast
of witnesses is omitted to simplify the figure. In epoch t, the adversary subverts servers 1 through m−1 and
obtains their shares. During the update phase, the system removes all servers from under the control of the
adversary. In epoch t+1, the adversary subverts servers 1′ through m′−1 and obtains their shares. However,
the adversary does not (and can never) obtain enough shares (current or new) to reconstruct the original data.
3.4. SUMMARY 33
3.4 Summary
I have presented the VSR protocol for Shamir’s sharing scheme. The VSR protocol operates by
having an authorized subset of old shareholders distribute subshares of their shares to new shareholders.
The new shareholders generate new shares from the subshares. A key insight embodied in
the VSR protocol is that the verification is a two-step process: not only must the new shareholders
verify the validity of the subshares they receive (the SUBSHARES-VALID condition), but they must
also verify the validity of the shares used to distribute those subshares (the SHARES-VALID condition).
To enable verification of the validity of old shares, the dealer of the original secret must
provide a witness of the secret to the old shareholders during the distribution of shares, and the old
shareholders in the authorized subset must all broadcast the witness to the new shareholders. The
old shareholders must also broadcast witnesses of their shares, and of the coefficients of the subshare
generation polynomials. By verifying the validity of shares and subshares, new shareholders
implicitly verify the validity of their new shares (the NEW-SHARES-VALID condition).
I have shown how a storage system can use the VSR protocol to counteract the mobile adversary
in a system with dynamic membership. If a faulty old shareholder (i.e., a shareholder under the control
of the adversary) sends invalid protocol information, the new shareholders will detect that some
subset of the old shareholders are faulty. The new shareholders in some cases can pinpoint faulty
shareholders that send invalid information (e.g., if a faulty shareholder sends an invalid subshare),
but otherwise can only detect that faulty shareholders exist.
Chapter 4
Hathor: An Experimental Storage
O thou beautiful Being, thou dost renew thyself in thy season in the form of the
Disk, within thy mother Hathor.
— Papyrus of Nekht, Brit. Mus. No. 10471, Sheet 2
In this chapter, I discuss the design and implementation of an experimental storage system called
Hathor1. The primary purpose of Hathor is to prove the thesis that recovery can be efficient. It is
an experimental platform for the evaluation of the end-to-end cost of storing, redistributing, and
retrieving data, using a variety of data distribution schemes. Hathor is designed to operate in the
system environment defined by the abstract system model described in Chapter 2: a client-server
environment in which clients are always correct, but in which some number of servers may be
controlled by an adversary—that is, they may be faulty. In what follows, I use “the client” as a
shorthand to refer to the portion of Hathor that executes on clients in the system, and “the server”
as a shorthand to refer to the portion that executes on servers.
1Hathor is the Greek transliteration of the Egyptian name Ht-Hrt. In Egyptian mythology, Hathor is the Goddess of
the Dead and the Protectoress of the City of the Dead in Thebes. I wanted to pick a system name that (for once) was
not a Greek or Roman name. Also, Hathor was originally conceived as a write-infrequently, read-mostly data archive
prototype, which made the name seem particularly appropriate.
Shares + witness












Encrypted replicas
Key shares + key witness










Encrypted replicas
Figure 4.1: REPLICA, THRESHOLD, and HYBRID data distribution schemes implemented in Hathor. In each
scheme, n servers stores a piece of the original data, and m pieces are required to recover the data. For both
REPLICA and HYBRID, the servers store identical encrypted replicas of the data; additionally for HYBRID, the
servers store different shares of the encryption key but identical key witnesses. For THRESHOLD, the servers
store different shares of the data but identical witnesses to the data. Each replica, data share, and data witness
is the same size as the original data; each key share and key witness is the same size as the key.
4.1 Data distribution schemes
Hathor implements three data distribution schemes: REPLICA, THRESHOLD, and HYBRID. I have
selected these schemes in order to model common schemes used in other survivable storage systems.
Thus, the performance evaluation in Chapter 5 should provide a rough guide to the cost of supporting
decentralized recovery in a variety of environments.
All of the schemes are m-of-n schemes. Figure 4.1 shows the contents of the pieces stored by
each server given a particular scheme. To store data, a client distributes a piece of the data to each of
the n servers; each piece contains a replica, a share, and a witness as appropriate for the distribution
scheme in use. To retrieve the data, the client retrieves the pieces from m servers and reconstructs
the data. In terms of the mobile adversary model, I assume that storage and retrieval operations
occur during an epoch (and not during a update phase), and that an adversary can subvert at most
m−1 servers in an epoch.
Informally, the process of distribution and reconstruction of data for each scheme is as follows:
• REPLICA: To store data, the client distributes an encrypted replica of the data to each server,
and stores the encryption key locally. Each server stores the encrypted replica. To retrieve
data, the client retrieves replicas from m servers, verifies that all of the replicas are identical
(to prevent faulty servers from convincing it to accept an invalid replica), and decrypts one of
the replicas to recover the original data.
REPLICA is similar to the scheme used in the Farsite [1, 11], PAST [47], and Pond [37, 46]
survivable storage systems.
• THRESHOLD: To store data, the client uses the INITIAL phase of the VSR protocol (Figure
3.3) to generate n shares of the data and a witness of the data. Each server stores a share
and the witness; the servers will use the witness during the redistribution of shares (the REDIST
phase of the VSR protocol). To retrieve data, the client retrieves shares from m servers,
and uses Shamir’s scheme [49] to reconstruct the original data.
A variant of THRESHOLD without redistribution is implemented as one of the available
schemes in the PASIS survivable storage system [53].
• HYBRID: To store data, the client distributes an encrypted replica of the data to each server. It
also uses the INITIAL phase of the VSR protocol to generate n key shares and a key witness.
Each server stores the encrypted replica, a key share, and the key witness; the servers will
use the witness during the redistribution of key shares. To retrieve data, the client retrieves
shares and replicas from m servers, verifies that all of the replicas are identical (to prevent
faulty servers from convincing it to accept an invalid replica), and uses Shamir’s scheme to
reconstruct the original encryption key. It then decrypts one of the replicas to recover the
original data.
A variant of HYBRID without redistribution of key shares is similar to the scheme used in the
Publius robust publishing system [52]. It is also similar to the scheme used in the e-Vault data
repository [33]; the difference is that e-Vault stores IDA fragments [42] of the original data at
each server, instead of a complete replica.
Previous comparison studies show that REPLICA is generally faster than either THRESHOLD or
HYBRID [53], which raises the question as to why one would use schemes other than REPLICA. One
reason is that diversity in schemes can provide an additional defense against system compromise,
in the same way that diversity in server operating systems provides a defense: an adversary may
not be able to leverage the ability to compromise data stored with one scheme (e.g, REPLICA)
to compromise data stored with a different scheme (e.g., THRESHOLD). A second reason is that
THRESHOLD and HYBRID enable the client to store data without the need manage an encryption
key: with THRESHOLD, no key is required, while with HYBRID, the key is managed with the data.
Always correct
Event handling
Disk I/O
(User application)
Distribution & reconstruction
Client Server
May be correct or faulty
group membership
Figure 4.2: Functional modules of the client and server implementations of Hathor. The broken line represents
the border between parts of Hathor that are always correct, and parts of Hathor that may be either
correct or faulty (i.e., the parts that may be controlled by an adversary). The user application is shown as
a module (though it is not strictly part of Hathor), and is included inside the border to emphasize the fact
that the application can only access the servers via the distribution and reconstruction module. The various
point-to-point channels are also included inside the border.
Though I will use REPLICA as the baseline scheme for the performance evaluation in Chapter 5,
one should bear in mind the non-performance reasons for using THRESHOLD or HYBRID.
4.2 Client and server implementation
The Hathor client and server implementations are fairly lightweight. The implementation supports
the REPLICA, THRESHOLD, and HYBRID schemes as described above, and also supports the protocols
necessary to redistribute pieces of data generated by the schemes. It supports enough of
a communications and disk storage infrastructure to measure the end-to-end cost of data storage,
redistribution, and retrieval operations.
The client and server implementations in Hathor are composed of abstract functional modules,
as shown in Figure 4.2. The dashed line around the modules represents the border between the parts
of the Hathor that are always correct and the parts that may potentially be faulty (i.e., the modules
that may be controlled by an adversary). I include the various point-to-point channels inside the
border to emphasize the assumptions about their privacy, reliability, and ordering properties.
The Hathor client implements the functionality necessary to store and retrieve data. The distribution
and reconstruction module implements the threshold sharing and encryption algorithms used
by REPLICA, THRESHOLD, and HYBRID, and the communication module manages the client-server
channels. A user application stores and retrieves data through an interface that is exported by the
distribution module. I assume that the application can only access the servers via the distribution
module, and thus cannot disrupt server operation through the direct injection of invalid messages
into the client-server channel. To emphasize this constraint, I show the application as a module in
the client in Figure 4.2, and include it inside the border of the parts of Hathor that are always correct.
The Hathor server is more complex than the client. The redistribution module implements a
pair of state machines (Section 4.3.2) to manage the redistribution of pieces of data for REPLICA,
THRESHOLD, and HYBRID. A disk I/O module marshals pieces of data to and from the on-disk
representations. An event module parses the messages that drive the redistribution state machine; it
also passes client requests to store and retrieve pieces to the disk I/O module.
The server communication module is largely a wrapper around the Ensemble group communications
toolkit [29]. The module manages the client-server channels, as well as the server-server
channels. The module (in conjunction with the communication modules on other servers) also implements
a broadcast channel abstraction on top of the server-server channels. A group membership
service within the module maintains a view of active servers that are sending and receiving broadcast
messages. The service updates the view whenever a server joins or leaves Hathor, and assigns
a unique rank to each server in the view. The communication module is included inside the border
of modules that are always correct, consistent with the assumption in Chapter 2 that an adversary
cannot disrupt the broadcast channel (e.g., a set of servers controlled by the adversary cannot break
the property that a broadcast message M is either delivered to all servers or to none of them). Note
that the adversary can still see all broadcast messages even if the communication modules are always
correct: a server controlled by the adversary can simply pass on any messages received by the
server at the event module.
4.3 I/O operations
Hathor supports three basic I/O operations: STORE, REDISTRIBUTE, and RETRIEVE. STORE stores
pieces of data to a set of servers. RETRIEVE retrieves a sufficient number of pieces to reconstruct
the original data. REDISTRIBUTE redistributes pieces from an old set of servers to the new set of
servers, and verifies that any new pieces can be used to reconstruct the original data. In this section, I
initial−client ack−wait done−client
initial−server recv done−server
Figure 4.3: STORE state machine for clients and servers. States correspond to intermediate computations,
while state transitions correspond to sent or received messages. Clients start in the initial-client state, and
servers start in the initial-server state. Solid arrows indicate transitions taken by correct clients and servers,
while dashed arrows indicate transitions that may be taken by faulty servers. Unlabeled dashed arrows that
loop to the same state indicate no-op self-transitions.
discuss what steps each operation takes for each data distribution scheme. In particular, I show how
the implementation of REDISTRIBUTE for the THRESHOLD scheme corresponds to the VSR protocol
in Section 3.2, and how the implementations of REDISTRIBUTE differ between the REPLICA,
THRESHOLD, and HYBRID schemes (which will help to explain the results in Section 5.3).
For each scheme, I consider storage and retrieval using an m-of-n scheme, and redistribution
to change the scheme parameters from m-of-n to m′-of-n′. As stated before, I assume during a
STORE or RETRIEVE that at most m−1 servers may be faulty. Additionally, I assume during a
REDISTRIBUTE that at least m old servers are correct, that at most m−1 old servers are faulty, that
at least m′ new servers are correct, and that at most m′ −1 new servers are faulty, consistent with
the assumptions about faulty servers in the presentation of the VSR protocol.
4.3.1 STORE
The state machines in Figure 4.3 show the sequences of steps at the client and server for a STORE
to an m-of-n scheme. Transitions between states are atomic, e.g., the client does not make a transition
from the ack-wait state to the done-client state until it has received all n acknowledgments. I
describe the sequence of steps for a client, a correct server, and a faulty server below.
A client starts in the initial-client state. When the client receives data from the user application,
it makes a transition to the dist state, in which it obtains the view of active servers from the servers’
group membership service, and distributes a piece of the data to each of the servers. The client also
computes and sends an checksum of the data to each server; it will later use the checksum to verify
the validity of reconstructed data. The client next makes a transition to the ack-wait state, in which
it waits to receive an acknowledgment from each of the n servers; an acknowledgment indicates that
a server has written its piece to disk. The client then makes a final transition to the done-client state.
A correct server starts in the initial-server state. When the server receives a piece of data and a
checksum from a client, it makes a transition to the recv state. In the recv state, the server “sends”
a write request to itself, and immediately makes a transition to the write state. In the write state, the
server writes the piece and the checksum to disk, sends an acknowledgment back to the client, and
makes a transition to the done-server state.
A faulty server also starts in the initial-server state. When the server receives a piece of data
from a client, it makes a transition to the recv state. In the recv state, a faulty server may send an
acknowledgment to the client, and make a transition to the done-server state. The client will think
the server has stored its piece even though the server has not written the piece to disk. However, m
servers are guaranteed to write their pieces to disk (consistent with the assumption that at least m
servers are correct), thus subsequent REDISTRIBUTE or RETRIEVE operations can execute.
A faulty server may also cease to send messages while in the recv or write states, which results
in no-op self-transitions. If the server remains in these states forever, the client that sent the piece
(that triggered the transition from the initial-server state to dist state) will wait forever to receive an
acknowledgment from the server, and will thus wait forever to complete a STORE.
Strictly speaking, a client does not need to wait to receive acknowledgments from the servers,
because the servers are guaranteed to receive pieces sent by the client (consistent with the assumption
of reliable private channels in Chapter 2), and at least m correct servers are guaranteed to write
their pieces to disk. In practice, the client waits to receive acknowledgments to measure of the endto-
end cost of storing data: the client starts its timer when it receives data from the application, and
stops its timer when it receives acknowledgments from the n servers. The client thus runs the risk
that it will wait forever in the ack-wait state if a faulty server does not send an acknowledgment.
initial−old erase−wait erase
Figure 4.4: REDISTRIBUTE state machine for old servers. States correspond to intermediate computations,
while state transitions correspond to sent or received messages. Old servers start in the initial-old state. Solid
arrows indicate transitions taken by correct servers, while dashed arrows indicate transitions that may be
taken by faulty servers. Unlabeled dashed arrows that loop to the same state indicate no-op self-transitions.
The state machines in Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5 show the sequences of steps for a REDISTRIBUTE
when changing scheme parameters from m-of-n to m′-of-n′, in which m old servers redistribute
their pieces of the original data to n′ new servers. There is no client state machine because clients
do not participate in REDISTRIBUTE. As for STORE, transitions between states are atomic, e.g.,
an old server does not make the transition from the erase-wait state to the erase state until it has
received all n′ “commit” messages. For simplicity, I describe the steps when THRESHOLD is used
to distribute pieces of the original data, and then highlight how REPLICA or HYBRID differ.
In the current implementation of Hathor, m old servers and all n′ new servers participate in
REDISTRIBUTE. Moreover, Hathor requires all n′ new servers to send “commit” messages before
completing redistribution, to ensure that all non-faulty servers have valid pieces of data; thus, a
faulty old server or a faulty new server can cause all servers to either hang or abort. In an experimental
system whose primary purpose is to measure the end-to-end cost of redistribution, such
behavior is tolerable: a human operator can shut Hathor down and determine the cause of the fault.
However, such behavior would be unacceptable for a production system.
Old server state machine
A correct old server follows the state machine transitions indicated by the solid arrows in Figure 4.4.
The server starts in the initial-old state with a share of the original data and a witness of the data.
When the server receives a redistribution request, it makes a transition to the redist state. There, the
server distributes subshares of its share (step 1 of REDIST in the VSR protocol of Figure 3.3) and
the checksum of the original data to each server. The server also broadcasts the witness of the data,
the witness of its share, and the witnesses of the coefficients of its subshare generation polynomial
(step 2 of REDIST). Once the server has sent subshares and witnesses, it makes a transition to the
erase-wait state. In the erase-wait state, the server waits to receive a “commit” message from each
of the n′ new servers. Upon receiving the n′ “commit” messages, the server makes a final transition
to the erase state, and erases its share.
A faulty old server may make the following additional state machine transitions, as indicated by
the dashed arrows in Figure 4.4:
• It may send its share to the adversary while in any state other than the erase state. Sending
a share results in a self-transition. The erase state does not have this self-transition since the
server will have erased its share in this state.
Note that the adversary will never obtain enough shares to reconstruct the original data, consistent
with the assumption that at most m−1 old servers are faulty.
• It may “send” an erase request to itself while in any state other than the erase state, which
results in a transition to the erase state.
• It may send invalid subshares, witnesses, or checksums while in the redist state. Recall from
Section 3.2.1 that invalid subshares do not reconstruct a consistent value, and that invalid witnesses
do not correspond to the original data, or to shares of the data, or to the coefficients of
the subshare generation polynomial. Sending invalid information results in a self-transition:
the server remains in the redist state.
• It may refuse to send subshares or witnesses while in the redist state, and thus remain in that
state forever (resulting in a no-op self-transition).
• It may refuse to “send” an erase request to itself while in the erase-wait state, and thus remain
in that state forever (resulting in a no-op self-transition).
initial−new verify−wait verify gen−wait
Figure 4.5: REDISTRIBUTE state machine for new servers. States correspond to intermediate computations,
while state transitions correspond to sent or received messages. New servers start in the initial-new state.
Solid arrows indicate transitions taken by correct servers, while dashed arrows indicate transitions that may
be taken by faulty servers. Unlabeled dashed arrows that loop to the same state indicate no-op self-transitions.
New server state machine
A new server follows the state machine transitions indicated by the solid arrows in Figure 4.5. The
server starts in the initial-new state. When the server receives a redistribution request, it makes a
transition to the verify-wait state, in which the server waits to receive a subshare, the corresponding
witnesses, and a checksum from each of the m old servers; note that a faulty old server may send
invalid information. Upon receiving the m subshares, witnesses, and checksums, the server makes
a transition to the verify state.
While in the verify state, a new server tries to verify that the SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-
-VALID conditions hold for the subshares and witnesses (step 3 of REDIST in the VSR protocol of
Figure 3.3). It also tries to verify that all m of the received checksums match (to prevent m−1 faulty
servers from convincing it to accept an invalid checksum). The server may then make one of several
possible transitions:
• If it verifies that the SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-VALID conditions hold, and that the
checksums match, it broadcasts a “commit” message, which results in a transition to the genwait
• If it finds that the SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-VALID conditions do not both hold, or
that the checksums do not match, it broadcasts an “abort” message to indicate that it has
received invalid information from at least one of the old servers (i.e., at least one of the m old
servers is faulty; recall from Section 3.2.2 that new servers may not be able to pinpoint faulty
old servers). Sending an “abort” message results in a transition to the abort state.
• If it receives an “abort” message, it makes a transition to the abort state.
When the server enters the gen-wait state, it waits to receive a “commit” message from each of
the n′ new servers (note that it will have received its own message). If the server receives an “abort”
message, it makes a transition to the abort state. Otherwise, upon receiving n′ “commit” messages,
the server makes a transition to the gen state, in which it generates a new share from the received
subshares, and writes the share, the witness to the original data, and the checksum to disk.
A faulty old server may make the following additional state machine transitions, as indicated by
the dashed arrows in Figure 4.5:
• It may broadcast a “commit” message while in any of the initial-new, verify-wait, or verify
states, even if it has not verified that the SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-VALID conditions
both hold. This results in a transition to the gen-wait state.
• It may broadcast an “abort” message while in any of the initial-new, verify-wait, or verify
states, even if it has not found that the SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-VALID conditions do
not both hold. This results in a transition to the abort state.
• It may refuse to broadcast either a “commit” or an “abort” message while in the verify state,
and thus remain in that state forever (resulting in a no-op self-transition).
• It may refuse to generate a new share, and thus remain in the gen-wait state forever (resulting
in a no-op self-transition).
The steps for an old server for REPLICA are slightly different from that for THRESHOLD. In the
state machine in Figure 4.4, an old server starts in the initial-old state with an encrypted replica
of the original data. In the redist state, the server sends its encrypted replica (instead of subshares
and witnesses). A faulty old server may instead send an invalid replica (i.e., one that is not an
encryption of the original data). A key difference between REPLICA and THRESHOLD is that no
broadcast occurs during redist.
The steps for a new server are also slightly different. In the state machine in Figure 4.5, a
new server in the verify-wait state waits to receive a replica from each of the m old servers. In
the verify state, the server tries to verify that all m of the received replicas match (to prevent m−1
faulty servers from convincing it to accept an invalid replica). If the m replicas match, the server
broadcasts a “commit” message, otherwise it broadcasts an “abort” message. In the gen state, the
server simply writes the replica to disk.
Versions of the old and new server state machines for REPLICA are shown in Figure A.1.
The steps for HYBRID are a combination of those for both REPLICA and THRESHOLD. In the state
machine in Figure 4.4, an old server starts in the initial-old state with an encrypted replica of the
original data, a share of the encryption key, and a key witness. In the redist state, the server sends
its encrypted replica, and also sends subshares of its key share and the corresponding witnesses. A
faulty old server may instead send invalid information.
The steps for a new server are also a combination. In the state machine in Figure 4.5, the server
in the verify-wait state waits to receive a replica, a key subshare, and witnesses from each of the m
old servers. In the verify state, a server verifies that all m of the received replicas match, and also
verifies that the SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-VALID conditions hold for the key subshares and
witnesses. If the m replicas match and the SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-VALID conditions hold,
the server broadcasts a “commit” message, otherwise it broadcasts an “abort” message. In the gen
state, the server generates a new key share from the received key subshares, and writes the share,
the key witness, and the replica to disk.
Versions of the old and new server state machines for HYBRID are shown in Figure A.2.
The state machines in Figure 4.6 show the sequences of steps at the client and server for a RETRIEVE
from an m-of-n scheme. Transitions between states are atomic, e.g., the client does not
make a transition from the reconst-wait state to the reconst state until it has received all m shares,
checksums, and replicas (as appropriate for the distribution scheme). I describe the sequence of
steps for a client, a correct server, and a faulty server below.
A client starts in the initial-client state. When the client receives a retrieval request for the
retrieve reconst−wait reconst done−client
Figure 4.6: RETRIEVE state machine for clients and servers. States correspond to intermediate computations,
while state transitions correspond to sent or received messages. Clients start in the initial-client state, and
servers start in the initial-server state. Solid arrows indicate transitions taken by correct clients and servers,
while dashed arrows indicate transitions that may be taken by faulty servers. Unlabeled dashed arrows that
loop to the same state indicate no-op self-transitions.
original data from a user application, it makes a transition to the retrieve state, in which it obtains
the view of active servers from the servers’ group membership service, and sends a retrieval request
to the m highest ranked servers for their pieces of the data and the checksum of the data. The
client then makes a transition to the reconst-wait state, in which it waits to receive a piece and
checksum from each of the m servers. Upon receiving the m pieces and checksums, the client
makes a transition to the reconst state, in which it reconstructs the data from the pieces as described
in Section 4.1. It also verifies that all m of the received checksums match. If the checksums do
not match, or the checksum of the reconstructed data does not match the retrieved checksum, the
client makes a transition to the abort state. Otherwise, it sends the original data back to the user
application, and makes a transition to the done-client state.
A correct server starts in the initial-server state. When the server receives a retrieval request
from a client, it makes a transition to the read state, in which it reads its piece and checksum of the
original data from disk, and sends the piece and checksum to the client. It then makes a transition
to the done-server state.
A faulty server also starts in the initial-server state. When the server receives a retrieval request,
it makes a transition to the read state. In the read state, a faulty server may send an invalid piece or
an invalid checksum to the client. It then makes a transition to the done-server state.
A faulty server may also cease to send messages while in the read state, which results in a no-op
self-transition. If the server remains in this state forever, the client that requested the piece of data
will wait forever for a piece from the server, and will thus wait forever to complete a RETRIEVE.
In the current implementation of Hathor, RETRIEVE suffers from a similar weakness as REDISTRIBUTE:
one or more faulty servers can cause the operation to hang. In a production system, the
client could retrieve pieces from at least m servers and try each m size permutation the pieces until
it found a permutation that contained only valid pieces.
4.4 Summary
I have presented the design and implementation of Hathor, an experimental storage system for
evaluating the cost of storing, redistributing, and retrieving data. The presentation includes details
of the REPLICA, THRESHOLD, and HYBRID data distribution schemes, as well as client and server
state machine specifications for the STORE, REDISTRIBUTE, and RETRIEVE operations.
Chapter 5
Performance Evaluation
I’ve got signals! I’ve got readings—in front and behind!
— Pvt. William Hudson, in “Aliens” (1986)
In this chapter, I present the results of experiments to measure the raw computation performance
of the VSR protocol (Chapter 3). The results show that the cost of the VSR protocol is dominated
by the cost of the witness function used in verification operations. I also present the results of
experiments to measure the end-to-end cost of storing, redistributing, and retrieving data with the
Hathor storage system (Chapter 4), using the REPLICA, THRESHOLD, and HYBRID data distribution
schemes (Section 4.1). The results show that although the overhead of THRESHOLD over REPLICA
increases with file size for all storage operations, the overhead of HYBRID remains roughly constant.
I go on to discuss ways of reducing the overhead still further.
In the presentation of the VSR protocol, I treated secrets as integers drawn from a finite field
with prime modulus p (Section 3.1.1). In practice, blocks of data cannot be treated as a single
integer: to treat a 1024-byte block this way would require a 8193-bit modulus! Thus, I treat blocks
of data as sequences of multi-bit chunks. If the modulus has size | p |, then each chunk has size
| p |−1 bits, to ensure that the integer representation of a chunk is less than p. We will see shortly
that | p |, and hence the chunk size, can have a counterintuitive effect on performance.
All performance numbers were taken on 2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 CPU workstations with 512MB
of RAM. Arbitrary-precision integer operations were implemented using the Miracl package [50].
(8 KB block)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Threshold parameter m
Time (ms)
n = 2 n = 3 n = 4 n = 5 n = 6 n = 7 n = 8
(8 KB block)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Threshold parameter m
Time (ms)
Figure 5.1: Graphs of the time taken to generate n shares of an 8 KB secret, and reconstruct an 8 KB secret
from m shares, when using Shamir’s (m,n) threshold sharing scheme [49].
5.1 Shamir’s threshold sharing scheme performance
In this section, I present the results of experiments to measure the cost of Shamir’s (m,n) threshold
sharing scheme [49] in a finite field. Sharing operations were computed modulo a 1024-bit
prime number p. No witness function operations were performed. The results on their own are
unremarkable, but they will serve to show that the bulk of the computation cost of verifiable secret
redistribution is in verification-related operations, and not in threshold sharing operations.
The SHARE and RECONSTRUCT graphs in Figure 5.1 show the time taken to generate n shares of
an 8 KB secret, and the time taken to reconstruct an 8 KB secret from m shares. For both operations,
the time taken is linear in m for fixed n. We observe that the marginal cost for SHARE with increasing
n to generate an extra share is relatively small, and is constant for fixed m.
5.2 Verifiable secret redistribution performance
In this section, I present the results of experiments to measure the computation cost of the VSR
protocol (Section 3.2). To assist with understanding where the costs are in the VSR protocol, I
present the time taken to execute the following steps within the protocol:
• SUBSHARE: The time taken by an old shareholder i to generate subshares ˆ si j and SUBSHARES-
VALID witnesses W(si), W(a1) . . .W(am−1) for the new shareholders j (steps 1 and
2 of REDIST in the VSR protocol of Figure 3.3).
• SHARES-VALID: The time taken by a new shareholder j to verify that the SHARES-VALID
condition holds (the second verification in step 3).
• SUBSHARES-VALID: The time taken by a new shareholder j to verify that the SUBSHARESVALID
condition holds, which involves computingW( ˆ si j) (the first verification in step 3).
• GENERATE-NEW-SHARE: The time taken by a new shareholder j to generate a new share s′
from the subshares (step 4).
The cost of the VSR protocol is dominated by the time taken to compute the witness function
W(x) used in SUBSHARE and SUBSHARES-VALID. To investigate the cost, I measured the time
taken by each of the protocol steps using the two witness functions introduced in Section 3.1.3:
exponentiation and point multiplication in an elliptic curve.
5.2.1 VSR with an exponentiation witness function
Here, I present the performance results for SUBSHARE, SHARES-VALID, SUBSHARES-VALID, and
GENERATE-NEW-SHARE with an exponentiation witness function (Section 3.1.3), for redistribution
from an (m,n) to an (m′,n′) threshold scheme. Sharing operations were computed modulo a 1024-
bit prime number p. The witness function was exponentiation modulo a 1025-bit prime number q,
where q = pr+1 (r being a positive integer); given a q of size | q | bits, the largest possible p has
size | p | less than or equal to | q | −1. The original secret, shares, and subshares were all 8 KB.
The SUBSHARE and SUBSHARES-VALID steps of the VSR protocol involve repeated exponentiation
with a common base g. The Miracl [50] package implements basic square-and-multiply
exponentiation, and also implements a method of fast exponentiation (with precomputation of intermediate
values) presented by Brickell et al. [12]. Brickell exponentiation yields a considerable
| p | | q | Basic exp (μs) Brickell exp (μs) Brickell precomp (μs)
160 1024 3376 1201 12622
192 1024 3991 1350 15053
1023 1024 19957 5301 62684
257 1025 5445 1627 20619
1024 1025 20283 5486 64408
Table 5.1: Time per exponentiation modulo q for exponents modulo p, for basic square-and-multiply exponentiation
and Brickell fast exponentiation [12]. The precomputation time required for Brickell exponentiation
is also shown.
performance boost over square-and-multiply (Table 5.1), provided that one amortizes the precomputation
over multiple exponentiations. Where possible, I used Brickell exponentiation.
The SUBSHARE graph in Figure 5.2 shows the time taken by an old shareholder i to generate
subshares and witnesses from its share for a new (m′,n′) threshold scheme. The time taken is
linear in m′ for fixed n′, as predicted in the performance model of Section 3.2.3. The generation
of subshares (without generation of witnesses) for an (m′,n′) scheme is mathematically equivalent
to generation of shares of a secret for an (m′,n′) scheme, and therefore has the same performance
characteristics as the SHARE operation in Figure 5.1. For fixed m′, the marginal cost with increasing
n′ comes from the time taken to generate an extra subshare.
Given the results for SHARE, and given that generation of subshares is equivalent to generation
of shares, it is clear that the bulk of the cost of SUBSHARE comes from the time taken to generate
the witness gsi for the old share si. Consider Figure 5.3, which shows two curves for n′ = 8: the
time taken to generate subshares, and the time taken to generate subshares and witnesses. The bulk
of the cost of SUBSHARE comes from the time taken to compute the witness gsi for the old share si.
This fact is demonstrated by the points at m′ =1, at which one only computes gsi (the corresponding
subshare generation polynomial has no coefficients).
The SHARES-VALID graph in Figure 5.2 shows the time taken by a new shareholder j to verify
the validity of shares held by the shareholders in an authorized subset of the old (m,n) threshold
scheme. The verification was performed using witnesses sent by the first m old shareholders (i ∈
B = {1, . . . ,m}). The time taken has a stepping behavior in m. To explain this, recall the SHARESVALID
verification equation
gk ≡Õ
(gsi)bi (5.1)
(1024-bit exponent, 1025-bit exponentiation, 8 KB block)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
New threshold parameter m'
Time (ms)
n' = 2 n' = 3 n' = 4 n' = 5 n' = 6 n' = 7 n' = 8
(1024-bit exponent, 1025-bit exponentiation, 8 KB block)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Old threshold parameter m
Time (ms)
(1024-bit exponent, 1025-bit exponentiation, 8 KB block)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Old threshold parameter m
Time (ms)
Figure 5.2: Graphs of the time taken by SUBSHARE, SHARES-VALID, SUBSHARES-VALID, and GENERATE-
-NEW-SHARE with an exponentiation witness function. Redistribution was from an (m,n) threshold sharing
scheme to an (m′,n′) scheme. The original secret, shares, and subshares were all 8 KB. The y-axis scales on
the graphs are different because the results are of such different orders of magnitude.
(1024-bit exponent, 1025-bit exponentiation, 8 KB block, n' = 8)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
New threshold parameter m'
Time (ms)
Subshares only Subshares and witnesses
Figure 5.3: Graph of time taken by SUBSHARE with an exponentiation witness function. The graph shows
both the time take to generate subshares only, and the time taken to generate subshares and witnesses. Redistribution
was from an (m,n) threshold sharing scheme to an (m′,n′) scheme. The original secret, shares, and
subshares were all 8 KB.
(Equation (3.17) for exponentiation), and observe that a new shareholder only exponentiates by the
Lagrange coefficients bi. By experiment, I confirmed that the sum of bi given m and p is
bi = »m−1
2 ¼p+1 (5.2)
i.e., the sum of the exponents in Equation (5.1) is the same for pairs of consecutive m (2 and 3,
4 and 5, etc.), and increases linearly with even values of m. Thus, the cost of computation for
Equation (5.1) will be similar for pairs of consecutive m.
The SUBSHARES-VALID graph in Figure 5.2 shows the time taken by new shareholder j to
verify the validity of the subshares sent by the shareholders in an authorized subset of the old
(m,n) threshold scheme. The time taken is linear in m, as predicted in the performance model of
Section 3.2.3. Moreover, the time is smaller that the SHARES-VALID time for all m; to understand
this, recall the SUBSHARES-VALID verification equation
∀i ∈ B : gˆ si j ≡ gsi
il ) jl
and observe that a new shareholder only computes exponentiations of base g by ˆ si j (excluding the
jl term); thus, one can use Brickell exponentiation.
| p | | q | Exponentiation (μs) Chunk size (bits) Chunks/block Expected time/block (ms)
160 1024 1204 159 413 496
192 1024 1350 191 344 463
1023 1024 5301 1022 65 340
1024 1025 5486 1023 65 351
Table 5.2: Time per exponentiation modulo q for exponents modulo p, using Brickell exponentiation [12].
A block was 8 KB.
The GENERATE-NEW-SHARE graph in Figure 5.2 is unremarkable: because this step is mathematically
equivalent to secret reconstruction in Shamir’s threshold sharing scheme [49], the results
are the same as in Figure 5.1.
Protocol cost versus size of secret
One would expect the cost of the VSR protocol to be linear in the block size, and I ran experiments
to confirm that this is the case. The graphs in Figure 5.4 show the time taken by SUBSHARE,
SHARES-VALID, SUBSHARES-VALID, and GENERATE-NEW-SHARE as the block size increases, for
redistribution from a (4,8) threshold sharing scheme to a (4,8) scheme. The results indeed confirm
that the cost is linear in the block size.
Protocol cost versus size of modulus p
At first glance, it would seem that using a prime modulus p of 1024 bits would needlessly incur
a high cost during witness generation, or during verification that the SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-
VALID conditions hold. By comparison, the Digital Signature Standard [51] only specifies
p of 160 bits. Consider Table 5.2, which shows the time taken to exponentiate modulo q given
exponents modulo p with bit size | p |; note the change in the size of q for 1024-bit p. On the one
hand, smaller | p | indeed lowers the time per exponentiation. On the other hand, one must trade off
a lower time per exponentiation against the number of exponentiations required: with a smaller | p |,
one can only process a smaller chunk of data at a time. For example, an 8 KB block of data is 64K
bits, which is equivalent to either 413 159-bit chunks or 65 1022-bit chunks—an almost sevenfold
difference. We see, then, that the expected time to generate a witness for an 8 KB block is greater
with the smaller | p |.
(1024-bit exponent, 1025-bit exponentiation)
1 10 100
Block size (Kbytes)
Time (ms)
(1024-bit exponent, 1025-bit exponentiation)
1 10 100
Block size (Kbytes)
Time (ms)
(1024-bit exponent, 1025-bit exponentiation)
1 10 100
Block size (Kbytes)
Time (ms)
Figure 5.4: Graphs of the time taken by SUBSHARE, SHARES-VALID, SUBSHARES-VALID, and GENERATE-
-NEW-SHARE with an exponentiation witness function. The time taken is shown as a function of block size.
Redistribution is from a (4,8) threshold sharing scheme to a (4,8) scheme.
5.2.2 VSR with an elliptic curve witness function
In this section, I present the performance results by SUBSHARE, SHARES-VALID, SUBSHARES-
-VALID, and GENERATE-NEW-SHARE with an elliptic curve witness function (Section 3.1.3), for
redistribution from an (m,n) to an (m′,n′) threshold scheme. Sharing operations were computed
modulo a 192-bit prime number r. The witness function was multiplication of a public point G on
an elliptic curve. The curve was computed over the integers modulo a 192-bit prime number q′ (so
designated to distinguish it from the modulus for the exponentiation witness function). q′ and r
were such that r ≤ q′, and G was such that [r]G was equal to the point at infinity O. The parameters
for the underlying elliptic curve and coordinates of G were those specified in the Digital Signature
Standard [51] for a 192-bit elliptic curve. The original secret, shares, and subshares were all 8 KB.
The results are similar to those for exponentiation (Section 5.2.2). In particular:
• The SHARES-VALID graph in Figure 5.5 exhibits the same stepping behavior as Figure 5.2 for
SHARES-VALID with a exponentiation witness function, for the same reason.
• Brickell exponentiation [12] can be adapted for point multiplication on an elliptic curve [50].
Thus, as with exponentiation, the time taken by SUBSHARES-VALID is lower than than the
time taken for SHARES-VALID for all m.
Comparison with exponentiation witness functions
The use of elliptic curves in cryptography was first proposed by Koblitz [35] and Miller [38]. One
feature of elliptic curves that makes their use in cryptography attractive is that there are no known
sub-exponential algorithms for finding discrete logs on general elliptic curves (though certain curves
have exploitable weaknesses; Blake et al. [6] present a full discussion of weak curves and attacks).
Another is that elliptic curve-based systems require far fewer bits (in the underlying finite field) than
exponentiation-based systems to achieve equivalent “security” in terms of the computational effort
required to solve the DLP. With fewer bits, one would expect an overall reduction in the cost of a
protocol based on the DLP. However, the reduction does not materialize for the VSR protocol.
The reason that the VSR protocol does not benefit from a switch to elliptic curve witness functions
is that one must process more chunks for a block of fixed size, similar to the problem discussed
in Section 5.2.1. For elliptic curve point multiplication, the chunk size is limited by | r |, which in
turn is limited by | q′ |; for a 192-bit finite field, the chunk size is 191 bits. Consider Table 5.2 and
Table 5.3, and compare multiplication on a curve computed over a 192-bit field to exponentiation
(192-bit elliptic curve, 8 KB block)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
New threshold parameter m'
Time (ms)
n' = 2 n' = 3 n' = 4 n' = 5 n' = 6 n' = 7 n' = 8
(192-bit elliptic curve, 8 KB block)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Old threshold parameter m
Time (ms)
(192-bit elliptic curve, 8 KB block)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Old threshold parameter m
Time (ms)
Figure 5.5: Graphs of the time taken by SUBSHARE, SHARES-VALID, SUBSHARES-VALID, and GENERATENEW-
SHARE with an elliptic curve witness function. The elliptic curve was computed over the 192-bit finite
field specified in the Digital Signature Standard [51]. Redistribution was from an (m,n) threshold sharing
scheme to an (m′,n′) scheme. The y-axis scales on the graphs are different because the results are of such
different orders of magnitude.
| q′ | Multiplication (μs) Chunk size (bits) Chunks/block Expected time/block (ms)
192 1192 191 344 407
224 1411 223 294 413
256 1742 255 258 446
384 4741 383 172 809
521 8247 520 127 1037
Table 5.3: Time per point multiplication in the elliptic curve computed over the finite field Z
q′ , using Brickell
exponentiation [12]). A block was 8 KB. The elliptic curve parameters were taken from the Digital Signature
Standard [51].
in a 1024-bit field (which each require roughly equivalent computational effort to solve the DLP).
If we compare multiplication to exponentiation with 1023-bit exponents (i.e., | p |= 1023, the maximum
possible size), exponentiation is faster than multiplication: 340 ms/block vs. 407 ms/block.
The reason for the faster performance of exponentiation is that even though the per-exponentiation
cost is higher than the per-multiplication cost by 4.4 times, the number of chunks per block for
exponentiation is lower by 5.3 times.
Even though the results suggest that exponentiation yields better performance than point multiplication
now, the performance advantage will fall away as the bit size of the underlying fields
increases in the future. Figure 5.6 compares the time taken by a new shareholder to verify that
the SHARES-VALID condition holds with both exponentiation and elliptic curve witness functions.
We see that verification based on exponentiation becomes an order of magnitude slower than the
equivalent based on elliptic curves. Thus, for systems that will use larger bit sizes, or to ensure that
a system remains secure for the long term, one should use elliptic curve witness functions.
5.3 Hathor storage system performance
In this section, I present the results of experiments to evaluate the Hathor storage system described
in Chapter 4. The experiments measured the cost of STORE, REDISTRIBUTE, and RETRIEVE operations
for the REPLICA, THRESHOLD, and HYBRID data distribution schemes implemented in
Hathor. The results show that the overhead of redistribution incurred by the VSR protocol can be
small, provide one is careful in choosing the data distribution scheme.
The experimental infrastructure comprised seven workstations that ran the Hathor server daemon,
and one workstation that ran an experiment client driver. The client and servers were connected
by a switched 100baseT Ethernet network, which provided full link bandwidth between all pairs of
workstations. The client driver initiated STORE and RETRIEVE operations, and also triggered RE6
(Exponentiation, 8 KB block)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Prime modulus size |q | (bits)
Time (ms)
(Elliptic curve, 8 KB block)
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
Prime modulus size |q' | (bits)
Time (ms)
Figure 5.6: Graphs of the time taken by SHARES-VALID with both exponentiation and elliptic curve witness
functions, as a function of finite field bit size. The squares and circles highlight points that require roughly
equivalent computational effort to solve the DLP. The elliptic curves were computed over the finite fields
specified in the Digital Signature Standard [51]. Redistribution was from an (4,8) threshold sharing scheme
to an (4,8) scheme.
Operation REPLICA (ms) THRESHOLD (ms) HYBRID (ms)
STORE 31 73 99
Table 5.4: Time taken to store, redistribute, and retrieve a 0-byte file in Hathor. Each data point represents
the average cost over 100 executions of an operation.
DISTRIBUTE operations at the servers. Recalling the relationship between the threshold parameter
m and number of shareholders n:
m ≤ ¹n+2
3 º
(Equation (3.18), repeated for convenience), I configured REPLICA, THRESHOLD, and HYBRID as
3-of-7 distribution schemes.
The results for REDISTRIBUTE are for redistribution from a 3-of-7 scheme to a 3-of-7 scheme.
For shares of files in THRESHOLD and shares of encryption keys in HYBRID, REDISTRIBUTE includes
the execution of the VSR protocol (Figure 3.3). For REPLICA and HYBRID, REDISTRIBUTE
includes the time taken for three old servers to send their replicas of a file to the new servers; with
three received replicas, the new servers would be able to detect up to two faulty old servers by
comparing the replicas.
To emphasize the added costs of inter-server communication and disk accesses over raw computation,
I used similar bit sizes for the prime number moduli as for the VSR experiments (Section
5.2). REPLICA and HYBRID use AES encryption in electronic code-book mode with a 256-bit
key. THRESHOLD performs threshold sharing modulo a 1024-bit prime number, and witness function
exponentiation modulo a 1025-bit prime number. HYBRID performs threshold sharing modulo
a 257-bit prime number, and witness function exponentiation modulo a 1025-bit prime number. Because
the secret size (i.e., the AES key size) for HYBRID is fixed at 256 bits, one can reduce the
cost of witness generation by using the smaller modulus for threshold sharing (and thus reducing
the cost of exponentiation (Table 5.1)). The security of the witness values is not affected in practice;
recall that the Digital Signature Standard [51] specifies a 160-bit modulus for its exponents.
I ran experiments that measured the time taken to store, redistribute, and retrieve a file of zero
bytes in length, in order to understand the overheads introduced by THRESHOLD and HYBRID over
the baseline of REPLICA. Table 5.4 shows results of these experiments. For STORE, the 0-byte
Operation Average overhead (ms) Standard deviation (ms)
STORE 69 1
Table 5.5: Average STORE, REDISTRIBUTE, and RETRIEVE overhead of HYBRID over REPLICA.
overhead of THRESHOLD and HYBRID over REPLICA arises from the time taken to generate witness
(step 2 of INITIAL in the VSR protocol of Figure 3.3). The overhead of THRESHOLD comes from
the time taken to compute witnesses for the coefficients of the share generation polynomial, even
though these witnesses are not sent to the servers. The overhead of HYBRID comes from the time
taken to generate a random AES key and the time taken to generate key shares and the key witness,
even though no data is encrypted. For REDISTRIBUTE, the 0-byte overhead of the other schemes
over REPLICA is due to the cost of the VSR protocol. The overhead of THRESHOLD comes from
the time taken to generate and broadcast SUBSHARES-VALID witnesses (step 2 of REDIST) from
old servers to new servers, even though the subshares are of zero size. The overhead of HYBRID
comes from the time taken to execute the VSR protocol for shares of the AES key, even though the
(encrypted) file is of zero size.
The trend in overheads of THRESHOLD and HYBRID over REPLICA become very different as
the file size increases. The graphs in Figure 5.7 show the time taken by STORE, REDISTRIBUTE, and
RETRIEVE for different file sizes. The overhead of THRESHOLD over REPLICA for all operations
increases as the file size increases, as one would expect given the results in Figure 5.4. On the other
hand, the overhead of HYBRID over REPLICA for all operations remains roughly constant; Table 5.5
shows the average overhead for each operation. Interestingly, HYBRID imposes no overhead over
5.4 Summary
From the results presented in Section 5.2, we see that the bulk of the cost of the VSR protocol
comes from the time taken by verification-related operations: generation of SUBSHARES-VALID
witnesses at old shareholders, and verification that the SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-VALID
conditions hold at the new shareholders. Improvements in CPU performance, or special hardware
for arbitrary-precision integer operations, would likely improve the performance of the protocol.
5.4. SUMMARY 63
100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Block size (bytes)
Time (ms)
100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Block size (bytes)
Time (ms)
100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Block size (bytes)
Time (ms)
Figure 5.7: Log-scale graphs of the time taken by STORE, REDISTRIBUTE, and RETRIEVE in Hathor, as a
function of file size. REPLICA, THRESHOLD, and HYBRID are 3-of-7 distribution schemes. REPLICA and
HYBRID use AES encryption in electronic code-book mode with a 256-bit key. The maximum file size for
THRESHOLD is 96 KB; above this size, the Ensemble group communication toolkit was unstable. Each data
point represents the average cost over 100 executions of an operation.
A surprising result is that the substitution of an elliptic curve-based witness function for an
exponentiation-based witness function currently hurts rather than helps performance, though the
result makes sense given the analysis in Section 5.2.2. However, we see that as the bit size of
underlying fields increases in the future, elliptic curve-based functions will offer better performance
than exponentiation-based functions.
The high cost of the VSR protocol, if employed in a storage system, can be offset through careful
selection of the data distribution scheme. For a system in which file storage and redistribution
operations are infrequent relative to retrieval operations, one may be willing to trade off the slower
storage and redistribution performance of HYBRID (compared to REPLICA) in return for the ability
to manage the encryption key of a file with its encrypted replicas (Section 4.1), especially given that
retrieval operations for HYBRID incur no extra overhead over REPLICA.
Chapter 6
Related Work
And some things that should not have been forgotten were lost. History became
legend, legend became myth,...
— Galadriel, in “Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring” (2001)
My thesis covers both the theoretical and practical aspects of designing a survivable storage
system with decentralized recovery. In this chapter, I compare the verifiable secret redistribution
(VSR) protocol to other protocols for protecting threshold-shared data in the face of Byzantine
adversaries. I then survey survivable storage systems and highlight the similarities and differences
between the Hathor system prototype and existing systems. Finally, I discuss some theoretical
design studies for survivable storage system architectures.
6.1 Redistribution for threshold sharing schemes
Since the invention of threshold sharing by Blakley [8] and Shamir [49], many researchers have
proposed mechanisms to make threshold sharing schemes more robust: that is, able to withstand
the failure of some of the participants. In this section, I highlight the differences between the VSR
protocol and other robust (m,n) threshold sharing schemes, and discuss the relative advantages and
disadvantages of the protocol. Table 6.1 summarizes some of the main design points of robust
schemes, and shows the greater flexibility offered by the VSR protocol compared to other schemes.
As in Chapter 3, I refer to data as secrets, clients as dealers, and servers as shareholders.
Scheme type Faulty Faulty (m,n)
dealer OK shareholders OK changes OK
Verifiable secret redistribution Y Y Y
Secret redistribution: Desmedt and Jajodia [16] N/A N Y
Secret redistribution: Frankel et al. [18] Y Y N
Proactive secret sharing Y Y N
Verifiable secret sharing Y Varies N/A
Table 6.1: A comparison of robust (m,n) threshold sharing schemes, showing the scheme type, whether the
dealer or shareholders may be faulty, and whether m or n may be changed. Note that Desmedt and Jajodia
[16] do not specify a phase for the initial distribution of shares of a secret.
My work on the VSR protocol follows from research on robust schemes that involve physical
redistribution of shares. Desmedt and Jajodia [16] present a redistribution scheme in which current
shareholders distribute subshares of their shares to new shareholders, exactly as in the VSR protocol.
However, their scheme only verifies that the SUBSHARES-VALID condition holds, leaving it
vulnerable to corruption by faulty shareholders. Frankel et al. [18] propose a proactive public-key
cryptography scheme in which shareholders redistribute their shares via two steps: a poly-to-sum
redistribution froman (m,n) polynomial sharing to an (m,m) additive sharing, followed by a sum-topoly
redistribution from the additive sharing back to an (m,n) polynomial sharing. In their scheme,
the mechanism for the verification of shares after redistribution requires that the membership of the
set of shareholders (and thus n) remains static. The distinguishing features of the VSR protocol
compared to these schemes include the ability to prevent share corruption by faulty shareholders
(up to the limits specified in Section 3.2) and support for changes to m and n.
Other schemes exist that support only limited changes to m or n. Blakley et al. consider threshold
schemes that disenroll (remove) shareholders from the access structure with broadcast messages
[7]; the new shareholders are always a subset of the current ones. Cachin proposes a secret sharing
scheme that enrolls (adds) shareholders in the access structure after the initial sharing [13]; the new
shareholders are always a superset of the current ones. By comparison, the VSR protocol supports
arbitrary changes to m and n (provided that m is less than or equal to n).
Blundo et al. present a scheme in which the dealer broadcasts messages to activate different,
possibly disjoint, authorized subsets [10]. A single message activates and deactivates the current
subset. All shareholders have a share even if they are not in the active authorized subset, and thus
receive a share during the initial distribution of the secret. In contrast, in the VSR protocol only current
shareholders have a share, the trade-off being that both current and new shareholders broadcast
multiple messages—an important consideration in environments where broadcast is expensive.
The VSR protocol is closely related to proactive secret sharing (PSS) schemes, in which shareholders
periodically refresh their shares of the secret to counteract a mobile adversary [39]. The key
distinction is that PSS schemes keep m and n static, whereas the VSR protocol enables changes to m
and n. Herzberg et al. [31, 32] present a PSS scheme in which shareholders exchange update shares
among themselves, and combine the update shares with their current shares. Zhou, Schneider, and
van Renesse present a PSS scheme called Asynchronous PSS (APSS), also using update shares,
for asynchronous wide-area networks [56, 55]; they independently propose conditions similar to
SHARES-VALID and SUBSHARES-VALID to verify the validity of shares after protocol execution.
Though APSS does not support changes to m and n, it does have the advantage over the VSR protocol
of not requiring a broadcast channel. Frankel et al. [19, 20, 21] and Rabin [44] propose
several PSS schemes in which shareholders exchange subshares of their shares among themselves,
similar to the VSR protocol. Each shareholder then combines the received subshares to generate a
new share. As with the proactive cryptography scheme of Frankel et al. described above [18], the
mechanisms for the verification of new shares require that m and n remain the same.
The VSR protocol is also related to verifiable secret sharing (VSS) schemes, which are designed
to verify that a dealer distributes valid shares of a secret, and to enable (correct) shareholders to
agree that they have valid shares. Non-interactive VSS schemes by Feldman [17] (Section 3.1.3) and
Pedersen [41] assume that only the dealer may be faulty. Interactive VSS schemes assume that either
the dealer or some of the shareholders may be faulty, and include multiple rounds of communication
between the dealer and the shareholders to identify faulty participants; representative examples
include schemes by Chor et al. [15], Benaloh [5], Gennaro and Micali [25, 26], Goldreich et al.
[28], and Rabin and Ben-Or [43, 45]. Interactive schemes, at best, only tolerate shareholders that
become faulty before or during the initial distribution, while the VSR protocol distinguishes itself
in its ability to tolerate shareholders that become faulty after the initial distribution of the secret.
6.2 Survivable storage systems
The Hathor system prototype is an experimental platform on which to evaluate the cost of storage,
redistribution, and retrieval for different data distribution schemes. As such, its design involves
similar decisions as for survivable storage systems: whether or not to redistribute data in response
to server failures, and what type of server failures to tolerate. In this section, I discuss the design
points (summarized in Table 6.2) that distinguish Hathor from related systems.
System Redistribute Server Distribution
data? failure schemes
Hathor Yes Byzantine Encrypted replication
Threshold sharing
Hybrid sharing + replication
Farsite Yes Byzantine Encrypted replication
PAST Yes Byzantine Encrypted replication
Pond Yes Byzantine Encrypted replication
Erasure-resilient coding
InterMemory Yes Crash Erasure-resilient coding
Pangaea Yes Crash Replication
e-Vault No Byzantine Information dispersal
Publius No Byzantine Hybrid
sharing + replication
PASIS No Crash Encrypted replication
Information dispersal
Threshold sharing
Table 6.2: A comparison of survivable storage systems, showing: whether or not redistribution of data on
server failure is supported, what type of server failures are tolerated, and what data distribution schemes are
The underlying research purpose behind Hathor is to develop a decentralized redistribution protocol
for threshold-shared data in a system with dynamic membership. As such, it stands in contrast
to Farsite [1, 11], PAST [47], and Pond [46] (the OceanStore prototype [37]), which implement
redistribution mechanisms for replicated data only (though Farsite also implements a PSS scheme
for refreshing signature keys). However, Hathor and these systems do share common design features.
They incorporate mechanisms to redistribute data in response to server failures. Also, they
are designed under the assumption that servers suffer Byzantine failures, and thus they include
mechanisms to verify the validity of data received from servers during I/O operations.
InterMemory [14, 27] is a long-term archival service. It stores data using a scheme based on an
erasure-resilient code [9]: one server stores a full copy of the original data, and another n servers
store n erasure-coded fragments of the data, any n/2 of which can be used to reconstruct the data.
InterMemory redistributes data when a server fails by reconstructing a full copy or generating a
new fragment (depending on what the failed server held) on a replacement server. Unlike Hathor,
InterMemory assumes that servers suffer crash failures. Thus, InterMemory does not include mechanisms
to verify the validity of data received from servers during I/O operations. In practice, a
system designed on the assumption of crash failures may be limited to deployment in closed networks,
in which hosts are under the control of a trusted administrator.
Pangaea [48] is a scalable storage utility that uses a high degree of replication to preserve data
availability in the face of server failures. It implements a tree-structured file system with gold and
bronze replicas of regular files and directory files: a gold replica of a file points to other gold replicas
of the file, to the bronze replicas of the file, and to the gold replicas of the parent and children, while
a bronze replica of a file points to the gold replicas of the file and the parent. The distinction
between replica types reduces the overhead of managing file replicas, because only gold replicas
need to be updated when the directory topology changes, or when the gold replica of a child or
parent fails. In particular, the system can quickly create new bronze replicas to replace lost ones.
Like InterMemory, Pangaea assumes that servers suffer crash failures, and thus comes with same
caveat regarding deployability.
e-Vault [33, 23] and Publius [52] rely upon the inherent redundancy in the supported data distribution
schemes to protect the availability of data from server failures, as opposed to redistributing
data. e-Vault uses Rabin’s information-dispersal algorithm [42] to generate fragments of the (optionally
encrypted) data for each server. Publius uses a distribution scheme identical to HYBRID
(Section 4.1). For all of these systems, the distribution parameters (the number of servers used to
store data, and the number of correct servers required to retrieve the data) are static. Thus, in contrast
to Hathor, none of these systems can adapt the parameters in response to either server failures
or the addition of new servers (apart from retrieving and re-storing the file).
PASIS [53, 54] also relies upon the inherent redundancy in the supported schemes to protect
data. It implements several distribution schemes to evaluate their relative security, performance, and
availability characteristics, including encrypted replication, Rabin’s IDA, and Shamir’s threshold
sharing scheme [49]. My research on the VSR protocol and Hathor began as a project to devise
decentralized recovery protocols for the distribution schemes in PASIS.
6.3 Design studies for survivable storage systems
In addition to the systems described in Section 6.2, there are several theoretical design studies of
survivable storage systems. I present these studies here, and compare them to my work.
Herlihy and Tygar propose two different system designs for making replicated data secure [30].
One design uses symmetric encryption to preserve the confidentiality of replicated data: the system
distributes shares of the encryption key with Shamir’s (m,n) threshold scheme [49], and retrieves m
shares to reconstruct the key prior to performing I/O operations on the data. The other design uses
asymmetric encryption: the system distributes shares of a decryption key Kd and an encryption key
Ke with Shamir’s (md,n) and (me,n) respectively. This allows the system to use different threshold
values on read (md) and write (me) operations, and thus allows the end user to tune the performance,
availability, and security characteristics of each operation. Unlike Hathor, they do not propose any
mechanisms for changing the threshold parameters during system operation (though they do propose
a mechanism for changing the key in the private-key system).
Anderson proposes a design for a long-term data repository called Eternity [3]. The primary
design goal of Eternity is to protect data against attempts to censor stored data by removal or corruption.
Anderson identifies a number of existing technologies that could be used to build Eternity,
including protocols for wide-area data replication, encrypted and anonymized communications, and
Byzantine agreement. He also identifies open-ended research problems in the design of Eternity,
including the need for long-term data indexing services, payment systems, and reliable distributed
clocks. My work on the VSR protocol helps to address the primary goal of Eternity, by providing
a mechanism to both redistribute data upon server removal and to detect when faulty servers send
invalid data.
Alon et al. present a distribution scheme to guarantee the availability of data in environments
where up to half of the storage servers suffer Byzantine failures [2]. In their scheme, a SHARE
function distributes fragments of the data to servers with a Reed-Solomon error-correcting code
[24]. Conceptually, the servers are vertices in a store graph. SHARE also generates verification
information for each vertex, which is used to cross-check both the fragments and the verification
information of neighboring vertices. The scheme offers lower space overheads than traditional errorcorrecting
codes, but with the trade-off that (with negligible probability) a corrupted fragment may
go undetected during reconstruction of the data. In contrast to my work, Alon et al. do not address
the problem of guaranteeing the confidentiality of data in the face of Byzantine server failures,
considering it to be an orthogonal issue to availability.
Chapter 7
Conclusions and future work
The central thesis of this dissertation is that to truly preserve data for the long term, a survivable
storage system must include recovery protocols capable of overcoming server failures, adapting to
changing availability or confidentiality requirements, and operating in a decentralized manner. To
support this thesis, I presented the design and performance analysis of the verifiable secret redistribution
(VSR) protocol. I showed how the VSR protocol is able to preserve the long-term availability
and confidentiality of data stored using threshold sharing schemes by implementing the desired capabilities
for recovery protocols.
A simple, yet critical, observation underpins the design of the VSR protocol: a more accurate
model of a survivable storage system must assume dynamic membership, in which participating
servers may join and leave the system. In the limit, a set of new servers after a round of membership
changes may be disjoint from the old set. This assumption impacts the design of mechanisms to
prevent an adversary from corrupting the execution of recovery protocols. In protocols that assume
static membership, participating servers verify correct protocol execution by using information they
have received in a previous execution. Under an assumption of dynamic membership, one must
include mechanisms in the recovery protocol for new servers to obtain verification information
during the current execution, as they will have no information from any previous execution.
The VSR protocol has a high computational cost, but one can mitigate the cost through careful
selection of the data distribution scheme in a survivable storage system. For systems in which
data storage and redistribution operations are infrequent relative to retrieval operations, a hybrid
threshold sharing and encrypted replication scheme—in which shares of encryption keys are stored
with encrypted replicas of data—offers the ability to manage encryption keys with data. Such ease
of management comes at the cost of a modest slowdown in storage and redistribution performance
compared to a standard encrypted replication scheme.
7.1 Research contributions
• I presented a new model of a mobile adversary who subverts servers in a storage system. The
new model assumes dynamic membership in the set of participant servers. This assumption
imposes a pair of design requirements on any recovery protocol used in the system to counteract
the adversary: it must include mechanisms for new servers to obtain the information
needed to verify correct protocol execution, and it must allow the system to change the threshold
parameters of the underlying data distribution scheme. These requirements are in addition
to those that arise under an assumption of static membership in the set of servers.
• I designed and implemented the VSR protocol for the redistribution of shares of a secret originally
distributed with Shamir’s threshold sharing scheme [49]. The protocol performs redistribution
from an authorized subset of old shareholders to all new shareholders. I showed that
the protocol satisfies all of the design requirements needed to counteract a mobile adversary
in a system with dynamic membership. In particular, I proved that the shares held by shareholders
after redistribution can be used to reconstruct the original secret, provided that all of
the verification conditions in the protocol hold.
• I conducted a performance analysis to confirm that the bulk of the computational cost of the
VSR protocol is in the time taken to compute the witness functions used in verification-related
operations. Surprisingly, an elliptic curve-based witness function yields poorer performance
than an exponentiation-based witness function, when comparing functions that are currently
considered to be secure. I also analyzed the performance trade-offs between different data
distribution schemes in an experimental storage system.
7.2 Future work
There are many other open issues in survivable storage systems research to explore beyond that
of failure recovery. One area of potential exploration includes developing mechanisms for selfaggregation:
can we arrange for a set of connected storage components (bricks or workstations) to
discover each other, pool their storage, and present a single system image to the end user? Self7
aggregation is easier in systems where physical connectivity implies membership in the set of components
(e.g., a rack of disks), but is more difficult in a distributed environment (e.g., a network
of workstations: when a new workstation joins the network, should it immediately incorporate itself
into the storage system, and should the other components trust it?). How large can the system
grow before it requires a dedicated entity to perform management functions, such as partitioning
the available capacity across different data and user types? Can the system delegate those functions
to one of the storage components, and (especially in the case where a component may be a user’s
workstation) what impact will that have on the performance of the chosen component?
Failure recovery is far from a solved problem, though. This dissertation investigates the question
“what do we do when system components fail”, but prompts the question “when have failures
occurred”. When one moves beyond considering crash failures, and begins to think about compromised
components that eavesdrop on data (but appear outwardly to function correctly), it becomes
clear that detecting failures is a non-trivial problem. Possible avenues of future research include developing
temporal models of how frequently components are likely to become compromised, which
can then be used by a system to decide when to execute a recovery protocol proactively.
Appendix A
In this appendix, I present the REDISTRIBUTE operation state machines for the REPLICA and HYBRID
data distribution schemes in Hathor.
initial−old erase−wait erase
initial−new verify−wait verify gen−wait
Figure A.1: REDISTRIBUTE state machines for old and new servers, in a system that uses the REPLICA
scheme. States correspond to intermediate computations, while state transitions correspond to sent or received
messages. Old servers start in the initial-old state. New servers start in the initial-new state. Solid arrows
indicate transitions taken by correct servers, while dashed arrows indicate transitions that may be taken by
faulty servers. Unlabelled dashed arrows that loop to the same state indicate no-op self-transitions.
initial−old erase−wait erase
initial−new verify−wait verify gen−wait
Figure A.2: REDISTRIBUTE state machines for old and new servers, in a system that uses the HYBRID
scheme. States correspond to intermediate computations, while state transitions correspond to sent or received
messages. Old servers start in the initial-old state. New servers start in the initial-new state. Solid arrows
indicate transitions taken by correct servers, while dashed arrows indicate transitions that may be taken by
faulty servers. Unlabelled dashed arrows that loop to the same state indicate no-op self-transitions.
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